國立臺灣師範大學教育學系黃乃熒2014-12-022014-12-022009-07-01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38332學校組織倫理之研究-以一所高級中學為例 本研究旨在探討學校組織倫理的現象。由於現代社會公理不張,必須透過教育的力 量加以匡正,然而,學校組織作為道德性的組織,必須進行倫理價值的經營,而且促使 學校行政人員與教師能夠履行倫理義務,進而影響學生的學習品質,並善盡社會責任。 有鑑於此,本研究將學校組織倫理定義為:學校組織成員為實現教育任務,在組織功能 面向與組織市場面向,進行道德哲學的反省,並對提升良善生活的理論進行探索,進而 形塑一套道德原則或道德價值,且成為個人道德信念,以規範個人行為,確實履行個人 道德義責任與道德義務。並據以討論學校組織倫理的現況,以了解可應用的倫理價值; 探索學校組織倫理的效益,以利人們了解學校組織倫理的重要性;探究落實學校組織倫 理的途徑,以引領人們確實實踐。為達成本研究的目的,本研究採用質性個案研究法, 選取一所高級中學進行研究,並運用觀察、訪談、文件分析的方式,來蒐集資料,進而 加以討論分析,提出結論與建議。The Study of Organizational Ethics in Schools-An Example of AHigh School The study is to explore the phenomenon of organizational ethics in schools. Because people in modern society become probably evil, it is necessary for people to improve the ethos by education. In particular, schools are virtuous organization, so it should play the crucial role to change the evil ethos. And school administrators and teachers should take moral and ethical responsibility to facilitate educational values. Based on the meaning, the study of organizational ethics in schools is important. Moreover, this study defines organizational ethics in schools as: “school members in the organizational dimensions of functions and markets make an effort to facilitate the reflection of moral philosophies and the exploration of the good life. Then it further forms a set of moral values to regulate their behavior and establish personal belief systems which drive school members to take moral responsibility and duty in order to complete educational ideals.”And, the study constructs three purposes: (1) understand the quo status of organizational ethics in schools; (2)explore the efficacy of organizational ethics in schools; (3)inquire the approaches to come true organizational ethics in schools. As a result, the study tries to provide some suggestions with people to apply the conclusions. In order to achieve the above purposes of the study, this plan chooses a high school as the basis of discussions. And it is expected to take one year to complete. In other words, this study will apply case studies as a qualitative research to understand the condition of organizational ethics in schools.學校組織倫理高級中學Organizational Ethics in SchoolsHigh School學校組織倫理之研究The Study of Organizational Ethics in Schools以一所高中為例An Example of a High School