王天苗蘇宜芬Tian-Miau WangYi-Fen Su楊秀文Hsiou-Wen Yang2019-08-282013-8-272019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893090012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91922特殊教育長期資料庫(SNELS)是國內第一個以身心障礙兒童為核心資料庫,資料涵蓋全國。本研究運用SNELS資料庫的優點,希望能夠透過SNELS資料的分析及報導,了解目前國內就讀高中職普通班及特教班之身障學生學習成果概況,並能探討那些學校因素有助於學生的學習成果,是未來特教政策推動或教學介入的重點。此外,有鑑於過去探討身障學生學習成果影響因素的研究,經常受限於身障學生的樣本特質與教育介入有共線性的問題,導致研究結果顯示教育介入愈多,學生的學習成果反而愈差。所以本研究透過階層迴歸分析,以學生個人家庭因素為控制,探討學校因素對身障學生學習成果的影響,以釐清那些學校因素才是特教政策推動或教學介入的重點。本研究結果如下: 一、就讀高中職普通班及特教班的身障學生都有不錯的學習成果(學習參與、學業表現、社會適應、獨立自主和家長滿意度)表現,家長及老師的填答都有偏正向的描述。 二、學生的個人家庭背景因素(能力問題、障礙程度、自我概念、家庭社經地位及家庭參與)是影響其學習成果的主要因素,可以解釋身障學生的學習成果的百分之8到45。 三、排除個人家庭背景之後,學校因素因素對學習成果的影響很小,約占百分之2到7,所納入之各學校因素變項中,能夠在排除個人家庭因素之外,還能對身障學生的學習成果有額外解釋力的變項包括:學校公私立、學校規模 、學校氣氛、教師專業能力、普特教合作及補救教學。 最後,本研究針對實務及研究提出建議。Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study(SNELS),which is the first national longitudinal database targeted on gathering data from children with special needs in Taiwan. The present research aimed at getting a better understanding of the present outcomes of special needs in regular classes and self-contained special classes of secondary schools and probing into the school factors associated with better learning outcomes by analyzing the data from this database. There were some researches about learning outcomes of special needs came out with an ironic conclusion that the more special education one received, the worse outcomes one get. The result is not because that the special programs were harmful for the special needs. It is because of collinear problems between the intervention and the characteristic of the students with special needs. Therefore, the present research try to avoid the collinear problem by using Hieratical Regression Analysis. In the analysis , the factors that affect learning outcomes are divided into two factors: the personal-family factors and school factors. The personal-family factors were forced to enter the regression model during step one as control factors. Then, the school factors were entered during step two as predict factors of learning outcomes. The research outcomes are as the follows. First, the learning outcomes (school engagement, academic achievement, social adjustment, independence and parental satisfaction) of special needs in regular classes and in self-contained special classes of secondary schools are positive. Second, The main factors that affect learning outcomes of students with special needs in secondary schools are personal-family factors(ability problems, levels of disabilities, self-concept, family socioeconomic status and parental involvement in education). The personal-family factors can explained 8 to 45 percent of the variations of learning outcomes of special needs in secondary schools. Third, the school factors can explain 2 to 7 percent of variations of learning outcomes after the personal-family factors were partial out. The school factors that still hold significant extra contribution were school type (private versus public), school size, school staff cooperation, special education professional competency, general-special education cooperation, and remedial teaching. Implications for educational applications and suggestions for future studies are also discussed.次級資料分析特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫學習成果階層迴歸分析高中職身心障礙學生學校因素個人家庭背景secondary data analysisSpecial Needs Education Longitudinal Study(SNELS)learning outcomeshierarchical regression analysisstudents with special needs in secondary schoolschool factorspersonal-family factors以SNELS次級資料分析高中職身心障礙學生學習成果之研究The Study of Learning Outcomes of Special Needs of Secondary Schools Using Data From SNLES.