蘇淑娟Su, Shew-Jiuan陳燕茹Chen, Yen-Ju2019-08-292017-09-252019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0597231124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94071農業政策鬆綁和工商發展思維下的臺灣,土地成為資本主義買賣交易的商品,層出不窮的建設和開發案席捲臺灣各地,造就一波圈地運動,後龍灣寶在此風波中,前後兩次面臨土地徵收、農村殞落的危機,卻皆能全身而退,灣寶的地方特質何在?本文採用新區域地理學的區域概念、結構歷程、社會正義與土地正義等理論與概念進行探討,將灣寶農村的發展歷程對應到Gilbert界定新區域地理學的三個關於區域的概念:「資本主義作用過程中的灣寶回應」、「灣寶的地方認同」和「社會互動下的灣寶地方實踐」,進而去理解「追求土地正義的灣寶」。 研究結果發現,灣寶的生產關係從「旱作為主、牽罟為輔」轉變為「非稻即瓜、水旱輪作」,在面對資本主義奪取剝削的過程中,灣寶以全然的抵制回應,強調「以農為本」的生產模式;過程中透過在地草莽的抗爭,阻擋開發案的威脅,並藉由地方角度到整體視野的論述升級,突顯灣寶的地方認同;在捍衛基本的私產權同時,以農村價值和糧食安全強調土地正義的正當性,更在實際的行動中,與被圈地的農民串連,與跨國農民運動接軌,彰顯土地正義的價值。 新區域地理學將區域研究視為動態的歷史地理過程,因此本文透過三個歷史階段的結構情境去理解灣寶的農村發展,期間,行動者和結構力量間的不斷互動,逐步突顯出灣寶的區域差異,也形塑出灣寶的地方特質。With the relaxation of agricultural policy and changing commercial and industrial development of Taiwan, land has become a commodity. Construction and development projects have taken the island state of Taiwan by storm, leading to a new wave of enclosure movement. In this storm, land expropriation and rural crisis have twice challenged Wanbao but it retreated safe and sound. What are WanBao’s characteristics to make it possible? To probe this question, the theories of new regional geography and structuration and the concepts of social justice and land justice are adopted in this study. The rural development of Wanbao village is connected to the three concepts of new regional geography, as proposed by Gilbert: “the local response to capitalist process”, “as a result of local and regional identification process”, “the spatial practice as a result of societal interaction”. With all the three concepts combined, Wanbao becomes a “land justice seeker”. Research findings suggest that, the relations of production of Wanbao was shaped mainly by dry farming (supplemented by beach seine) in the early time to a more modern agriculture of rice and melons, made possible by better soil and irrigation recently. With the strenuous endeavor made by the locals for such an agricultural transformation, the locals’ attachment to land has been strong in WanBao. Faced with land expropriation, Wanbao responded with a determined resistance, signifying the agricultural mode of production for the locals. In the resistance process, local demonstrators fought against the menace of development projects. Combining a local and holistic global perspective, a solid WanBao identity has been prioritized. Along with the defense of the basic right to private property, land justice has been emphasized on the basis of the values of villagers and food security. Furthermore, when put into action, the locals’ demonstration was linked with the peasants affected by enclosure movements elsewhere and integrated into a global peasant movement. Within the framework of new regional geography, regional characteristics are regarded as results of a path-dependent dynamic process. The structuration of WanBao’s development has manifest the interacting agents and structure and shaped the regional characteristics of WanBao.新區域地理學結構歷程土地正義灣寶new regional geographystructurationland justiceWanBao開發案下的農村發展結構歷程和地方特質塑造—以灣寶為例The Structuration of Rural Development and Its Shaping of Local Characteristics under National Projects – A Case Study of WanBao