陳仲吉Chung-Chi Chen彭祥瑞Hsiang-Jui Peng2019-09-052014-8-212019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699430254%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104389內波 (Internal Wave)是一種常見的物理現象,其發生原因為當液體或氣體受密度、溫度變化產生分層現象時,如遇外力 (如:風、水流、海浪等...)便可能產生,這些波形主要為非線性波。內波所造成的擾動劇烈地影響海洋生態系,例如內波破碎化會擾動水體環境,形成強烈的混合作用,並將富含無機營養鹽的深層海水帶到淺層,促進海洋 (浮游)生物生長。本研究於南中國海進行實地培養實驗。實驗以淺、深層海水 (200 m)混和成二組不同比例之實驗組 (深層海水的比例分別為30%、60%)進行培養,並以淺層海水培養之結果做為控制組。期望以不同淺、深層海水混合比例所得之結果,來探討內波擾動與其強度對浮游生物群聚變化的影響。結果顯示,控制組和30%_與60%_實驗組間有顯著的差異,經培養後,無機營養鹽 (硝酸鹽、磷酸鹽、矽酸鹽),在實驗組其濃度顯著減少,但浮游植物生物量 (Chla濃度)與異營細菌豐度則顯著增加,其中又以30%_實驗組變化最顯著。此結果建議,當海洋淺層受內波擾動後,其浮游生物群聚組成會產生改變,以超微浮游植物最先受到生長之促進,而後浮游植物與異營性細菌接續增加,此外浮游植物群聚組成比例也因為內波擾動的強弱差異而有不同之變化。Internal wave is a common physical phenomenon cause by the density or temperature of liquid (or gas) generated stratification against the external force like winds, currents, wave…etc. Internal wave notably influences the marine ecosystems within turbulence. The breaking of internal wave disturbs the local water property. Thereafter, the surface water mixes with the bottom nutrient rich water and enhances biological activities of surface water. The study was designed to understand the effects of internal wave on dynamics of plankton communities. It was performed during the period of October 2012 to December 2013 in South China Sea. This incubation experiment consisted three groups, two treatments and one control, with tanks filled with the mixing of surface (10 m) and/or deep water (200 m). The treatments included 30%_deep water (30% deep + 70% surface water) and 60%_deep water (60% depth + 40% surface water), and the control only filled with the surface water. Results show that significant different was evident between the treatment and the control for most of variables. At the end of incubation, the nutrient concentrations decreased in both treatments. The values of chlorophyll a and heterotrophic bacteria increased significantly, especially in 30%_deep water treatment. These results suggest the growth of plankton communities was enhanced by internal wave, and the strength of plankton’s response might also vary and depend on its intensity.內波南中國海葉綠素a細菌生物量Internal waveSouth China SeaChl abacteria biomass南中國海內波對浮游生物群聚組成變化之影響:以培養實驗探討Effects of internal waves on plankton community assemblages in the South China Sea: incubation experiment