劉恆妏Liu, Heng-wen林博寰Lin, Po-Huan2019-08-282019-08-012019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060507008E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88267本研究採行動研究取徑,以研究者任教的臺北市國中七年級兩班學生作為研究對象,研究過程聚焦於如何將性別平等教育和人權教育融入公民教材中,並以案例教學法施行之。經由研究歷程,本研究獲致下列結論: 壹、實施後結果、發現問題及其解決方法 一、性別平權教育之案例教學設計實施在七年級上學期是可行的 二、性別平權案例挑選和設計上,盡量越貼近真實社會情境的案例 且存在爭議的情境,效果越好 三、案例學習單問題設計,應考量七年級學生過去的學習經驗,習慣追 求標準答案,故在設計上應循序漸進,先由封閉性問題開始,再加 深到開放性問題設計 四、案例教學實施可能遭遇的困難與問題,及其解決方式與途徑 (一)班級教學時間有限問題,除事先發放學習單當作業外,案例相關補 充資料也可於前一堂課發放供學生預習,並可建立個人和小組加扣 分獎懲制度以管控秩序,妥善利用有限的時間 (二)性別平等、人權案例事件具有社會爭議,於課堂討論存在敏感性問 題,教學者實施前須先評估時局對實施課程可能的影響,並設法因 應之 (三)七年級學生不熟悉案例討論方式,並容易產生過程中的秩序問題, 須事先擬定明確的教學指導語,思考如何引導七年級學生如何進行 案例討論的教學模式,最好能引領全班先示範討論一次 (四)學生重視參與程度與小組責任分配等公平性問題,除教師巡迴外, 可設計有具體指標的「互評表」,讓組員間互相填寫來制衡之 五、案例文本侷限,學生先備知識不足的情況,可於案例討論前一節 課,另外提供其他案例相關資訊連結,以助後續的討論 六、案例學習單提問重疊問題,所以未來設計完後,宜自行擬答,並尋 求其他師生一同擬答,以有效改善學習單設計問題 貳、學生的學習和進步 一、認識社會存在的性別議題,並增強對性別平權理念的了解 二、能覺察並同理他人困境的能力 三、尊重他人、理性討論和自行建構知識的學習 基於上述研究發現,本研究提出下列建議: 壹、教學方面的建議 一、108新課綱的七上公民教材,適合融入性別平等與人權教育議題 二、七年級上學期課程應採用多元化的教學方式 三、教師可尋求他科協同教師共同發展跨學科、領域的素養導向課程 四、案例教學課程實施應建立小組加扣分機制和設計組員分工互評表 五、案例教學課程宜配合適當影音設備並可設計小遊戲評量活動 貳、對後續研究之建議 一、性別平權案例教學可嘗試實施在新課綱下的八年級課程 二、未來可研發新的性別平權教學案例,以因應時事法令的變遷This study adopts action research and explores how to incorporate gender equality and human rights education into teaching and learning materials in Citizen& Society Course. The tentative designed materials were implemented in the form of case-method teaching to seventh graders from two classes in a junior high school in Taipei. And the results are demonstrated as follows: Summary of the research results, problems and solutions 1. The implementation of case-method teaching regarding gender equality in the first semester of seventh grade is workable. 2. It is more effective when a gender equality case designed is close to real-life situations andinvolves controversy. 3. Students’ learning experiences, such as the habit of pursuing a standard answer,should be takeninto consideration when designing worksheet questions. It is suggested that closed questions may be followed by open questions. 4. During the implementation of case-method teaching, some difficulties showed up.However, possible solutions were also raised in this study. (1) To deal with time limitation, besides handing out worksheet as homework beforehand, other supplementary materials could also be given to students one class before for them to preview. To manage students’ learning process, group reward systems could be established to foster their learning motivation. (2) When discussing some controversial issues regarding gender equality and human rights, teachers need to evaluate some possible influences the society may have on course implementation. (3) Seventh graders were not familiar with case-method teaching, which led to their being ill-disciplined in class; thus teaching directives should be clear and concise.It is even better for teachers to demonstrate the whole process in front of the students. (4) It was noticed that students cared about peer participation and work distribution among group members. Thus, besides teachers walking around in the classroom, “peer evaluation sheet” could be designed to take peers’ feedback into consideration. 5. Students lacked prior knowledge of the case discussed. To solve this, teachers could provide related information one class before, which may foster group participation and discussion in class. 6. There were some repetitive questions on the worksheet. Reflecting on this,teachers may review the worksheet and try to answer the questions on their own or resort to other teachers and students for suggested answers in order to polish the discussion questions presented on the worksheet. Students’ learning and progress 1. Students learned some gender issues existed in the society, which may improve their understanding of gender equality. 2. Students were able to show their empathy toward others’ difficulties. 3. Students were able to respect others, discuss rationally, and build up the knowledge dependently and independently. Based on the research findings, several suggestions are presented as follows: Suggestions for future teaching 1. Learning materials of Citizen& Society Course under 108 curriculum guidelines are suitable to incorporate issues regarding gender equality and human rights. 2. Teaching methods could be diversified in the first semester of the seventh grade. 3. Teachers could resort to other colleagues to develop cross-interdisciplinary,competence-oriented curricula. 4. Group reward systems and peer evaluation sheet could be established in order toperfect case-method teaching. 5. Audiovisual equipment could be provided in case-method teaching class, plus,teachers could design activities to evaluate students’ learning. Suggestions for future study 1. Case-method teaching on gender equality could be implemented in the eighth grade under 108 curriculum guidelines. 2. More gender equality cases could be developed to keep pace with social changes.性別平等教育人權教育案例教學法行動研究gender equality in educationhuman rights educationcase methodcase-method teachingaction research案例教學法應用於性別平等、人權教育之行動研究-以國中公民教材為例