黃光男鍾丰琇2019-08-292009-2-192019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095023108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92283台北縣客家文化園區營運策略之研究 論文摘要 本研究以臺北縣客家文化園區為主,採質性研究為探討方式,透過蒐集資料、文獻檢閱、深度訪談法等研究方法,利用歸納與SWOT分析將蒐集之資料予以檢驗。對台北縣客家文化園區之現況作分析,且依據客家文化園區設置目的,以利潤觀點,探討台北縣客家文化園區對地方文化產業之間的關係與影響,能否創造文化產業鏈,能為地方文化產業帶來效益,使台北縣客家文化園區設立,能對客家文化、地方產業推廣進行評估與瞭解,並對地方文化產業之發展策略,以及對政府客家文化施政提出建議。 透過台北縣客家文化園區與三鶯地區的互動進行了解,找尋營運策略以達成振興客家文化與促進地方經濟的目的,並企盼都能以帶動地方與客家文化創意產業經營,創造客家文化產業鏈,促進地方繁榮。擺脫客家館舍、文化園區被戲稱為「蚊子館」的惡名,並提升參訪率,使客家文化園區設立達到其應有的功能。 台北縣客家文化園區的設立實屬不易,館舍興建工程所費不貲,所以,應著力使台北縣客家文化園區為其他館場的典範,發揮應有的效益與功能。根據研究的結果,得到以下發現與建議: 一、臺北縣客家文化園區的內部組織規模發展受限;政府補助是唯一收入來 源。 二、臺北縣客家文化園區園長與工作人員異動頻繁,人員配置及到達園區交通 的便利性不足,在台北縣成立客家事務局後,希望能有所改善。 三、臺北縣客家文化園區餐廳、商店委外經營,喪失主導權,但在2008年12 月合約到期後有機會改善現況。 四、臺北縣客家文化園區與媒體互動不夠,在宣傳行銷上明顯規劃不足,可編 列預算及加強傳媒之間的互動。 五、臺北縣客家文化園區與地方文化產業合作不夠,可多徵求企業贊助,共同 打造客家文化形象,並帶動三峽地區的地方產業。 六、臺北縣客家文化園區應朝向多元永續的經營發展,且研擬適合臺北縣客家 文化園區的教育推廣與文化創意策略,以作為客家文化園區未來營運及推 廣之參考。 關鍵字:文化、客家文化、文化園區、文化創意產業、文化產業鏈、多元文化Promotional strategy of Taipei County Hakka Museum Abstract This paper presents the promotional strategy of Taipei County Hakka Museum. It is composed of The Qualitative Methods and used regression and SWOT analysis to verify data collected by data collection、document checking、deep visiting. Through examination of current status of the Museum, it explores the relationship and effectiveness between the Hakka districts and local cultural industry from objectives of the Museum and revenue prospects to evaluate whether to create cultural value-chain and benefit local creative industry. Establishment of Hakka cultural districts not only can make Hakka cultural and local industry to be evaluated and understood more but also propose development plan and policy for local cultural industry. By studying interaction of Hakka cultural parks and Sanying districts, looking for a strategy to prosper local and Hakka cultural industry, create industry value-chain and promote local economy. It also prevents the park from its notoriety and increases its visitors. Establishment of the Taipei County Hakka Museum is difficult and costly so that it should provide all original function and effect, and most of all should be the best practice for other museums. According to this research, the suggestions are as below: 1. Development of Internal organization is limited; governmental funding is the only revenue. 2. The Park Chief Officer and employee is changeable, man power is shortage, and traffic is inconvenient. It should be improved after establishment of Taipei County Hakka Bureau. 3. All restaurants and stores in the cultural districts areentrust other company to manage, lack of ownership. It should be changed after the contracts are expired. 4. Lack of interaction with media and the press, it should allocate the budget to create awareness. 5. Without good cooperation with local cultural industry, it should invite more enterprises to promote a creation of Hakka cultural image and local industry. 6. The parks should move forward to multi-dimension business model and study a strategic for promotion of Hakka culture and creation to be a reference for operation and promotion in the further. Keyword: Culture,Hakka culture,Cultural districts(Cultural Parks),Creative industry, Cultural Value-China ,multicultural文化客家文化文化園區文化創意產業文化產業鏈多元文化CultureHakka cultureCultural districtsCreative industryCultural Value-Chinamulticultural台北縣客家文化園區營運策略之研究Promotional strategy of Taipei County Hakka Museum