孫翼華Sun, Yi-Hua阮怡臻Juan, Yi-Chen2022-06-072026-07-302022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5e3977ebfbbeb2ac07d3ae94cbbffd50/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116367每個人在生活上的一舉一動,都於是他在對世人展現宣示自己的生存模式、能力和獨特風格的表演,也就是說,人的行為,始終來自於自身對自己或世界的觀念。筆者將以兩種系列呈現自我療癒的過程,第一種以微觀方式剖析自我,以符號元素作為象徵與隱喻內心隱藏的形式,元素與元素、媒材與媒材之碰撞的視覺效果,隱藏筆者內心深處的所聞所見之寓意,用以與觀者的思考做聯想,第二種是以自身與外界連結後的審思,並藉由較深的墨色區塊作為區別,在被審思的過程中,思考如何調整自我、使自己在自我世界找到抒發的出口。筆者希望透過心理學與哲學的角度去思考自己與社會的認知與外在投射我們心裡的主觀映像,也希望這系列的畫作能讓筆者認知主觀和現實世界的差異,進而修正對事物的主觀看法。本文分為五大部分:第一章緒論,內容為創作與研究動機、創作與研究方法及創作論述方法。第二章以圖騰藝術的哲思相關文獻與學理作為創作基底的探析,並以多位藝術家繪畫的出發點等相關作品為例爬梳。第三章為創作的兩個系列的創作思維與形式表現。第四章個別創作解析,包含個別作品的介紹與展覽的呈現。第五章結論,消化資訊的吸收與透過了解自身內在精神並進行反思去提升自我理解,望能以這些成長為基石,在未來能創作更成熟、完整的畫作。One's behaviors shows the survival model, ability, and unique performance. In other words, one's behaviors reflect their thoughts. The author will present the process of self-healing in two series. First, analyzing self in microscopic way. Using symbolic elements as a form of symbolic and metaphorical inner hiding. The visual effects of the collision of elements and media are hidden. The implication of deep in the author's heart is used to associate with the viewer's thinking. Second, the introspection of after-connection the outside world. Distinguished it from a darker ink block. In the introduction process, to think how to adjust self and find a way to express in self-world. The author hopes through physiology and philosophy to think self and social cognition. At the same time, hope this series of paintings let the improve ourselves by victories over ourselves.This artwork research has five chapters. In chapter One, It explains the research motivation, research purposes, research range and research methods.The chapter two, it explain about theoretical basis and literature discussion of the artwork and it gives the examples of artists. The chapter three, The author classified her artwork into two series , “Micro” and “Lithography”. This chapter will also discuss about the idea of creation, media, techniques and the presentation of exhibitions. The chapter four is Individual creation analysis, including individual works. The chapter five, it gives the conclusion of the research, and it depicts the expectations of future creation of the author.圖騰符號水墨創作異質混搭totemsymbolink paintingheterogeneous mix圖騰演繹下的時代意義與反思—阮怡臻水墨創作論述Significance and Reflection of the Times under the Development of Totem—the Ink Painting Discussion byJuan Yi-Chen