張少熙Chang, Shao-Hsi鄧淑琴Teng, Shu-Ching2023-12-082022-09-162023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1b1588f5ff73bd124efda62fa1b37f7c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118698中 文 摘 要 慈誠懿德會(以下簡稱慈懿會)隸屬於財團法人中華民國佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會宗教人文處,為慈濟教育志業中的志工服務組織。慈懿會源自西元1989年慈濟護理專科學校創校時,為照顧、關懷離家在外求學的學子,從慈濟慈誠委員中遴選優秀的志工,陪伴並協助輔導學生生活禮儀、道德倫理。多年來,慈懿會持續吸引各方賢達參與服務,本研究欲探討志工們的參與動機、組織承諾與幸福感之現況為何?不同背景變項的慈懿會志工在參與動機、組織承諾與幸福感上是否有差異?並分析參與動機、組織承諾與幸福感間的相關及影響效果。 本研究以現任慈濟大學附屬中學慈懿會志工為研究對象,共收集317份有效問卷,以SPSS 25版統計軟體進行資料分析。主要研究發現如下: 一、 本次調查之志工平均年齡約58歲,其中50歲以上者占八成以上,顯示慈懿會志工年齡橘世代或以上之族群居多,其中退休人員、家庭主婦各占兩成。而志工的服務年資滿5年以上逹六成,可見慈懿會志工的服務經驗豐富、持續服務意願高。 二、 慈懿會志工呈現高度參與動機,其中以「社會責任」、「機構特性」為最主要動機,其次是「自我成長」,最後是「人際關係」。可見慈懿會志工樂於付出,先利他再利己,因此參與動機主要出自於社會責任及對慈懿會此機構的認同。三、 慈懿會志工也呈現高度組織承諾,其中以「努力承諾」為最優先,其次是「組織認同」及「留任承諾」。顯見慈懿會志工常以實際行動來表現對慈懿會的認同感、歸屬感,並以身為其中一份子為榮,且樂意持續成為慈懿會的志工、長期在慈懿會發揮專長。四、 慈懿會志工自評的幸福感分數較參與動機及組織承諾的平均分數稍低。幸福感量表中,以「生活滿意」得分最高、「情緒感受」居次、「身心健康」相對較低。此結果突顯出慈懿會志工總是以服務付出為優先,可能因此輕忽自我的「身心健康」及「情緒感受」,而減弱了幸福感的感受。五、 根據皮爾森相關分析,參與動機及組織承諾呈現高度相關(r = 0.77, p< .05),幸福感與參與動機及組織承諾之間皆是中度相關(分別是r = 0.63 及r = 0.66, p < .05)。此外,迴歸模型中參與動機(t = 4.44, p < .05)與組織承諾(t = 6.93, p < .05) 對於幸福感的解釋能力達顯著,且該模型具有46.8%的解釋力。其中,對於幸福感之預測力最佳的是:組織承諾中的「留任承諾」,其次是參與動機中的「社會責任」及「機構特性」。 根據研究發現,本研究提出以下建議:1.因應現任慈懿會志工以長者居多,可考慮引進優秀慈青加入,有利未來傳承。2.由於幸福感之「身心健康」層面得分相對較低,恐影響長期的留任意願或未來志工的參與動機,因此建議慈懿會宜多關心並提醒志工們重視身心健康、保持良好的生活規律,才能體力充沛、神清氣爽而更能得到親人的支持;同時也可考慮提供身心支持的課程或交流活動,讓志工們彼此關懷鼓舞、互相學習成長。上述兩項建議皆有助凝聚慈懿大愛家庭,讓志工們永續承擔慈濟教育志業的特色使命。 關鍵字:志工服務,參與動機,組織承諾,幸福感,慈懿會Abstract Tzu Cheng /Yi Te Association (hereinafter referred to as Tzu Yi Hui) is a volunteer service organization, affiliated to the Religious and Humanities Division of the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation. Established in 1989, Tzu Yi Hui initially aimed to take care of the students in Tzu Chi Nursing College who were away from home and lived on campus. Those volunteers of Tzu Yi Hui were recruited and selected from the Tzu Chi (Tzu-Cheng) members, and they accompany and teach students about life etiquette and ethics. Tzu Yi Hui has been well-performed during the past few decades; thus, this research aims to further understand those volunteers’ demographics and their participation motivation, organizational commitment, and well-being, as well as the inter-relationships among them.Based on 317 valid questionnaires collected from current Tzu Yi Hui members who served for Tzu Chi Senior High School Affiliated with Tzu Chi University, the research findings are stated as following:1.The average age of those volunteers included in this survey was about 58 years old. More than 80% of the respondents were over 50 years old, which indicated that the volunteers of the Tzu Yi Hui were mainly the elderly. In addition, about 40% of them were retirees and housewives. Finally, 62% of the respondents have served as Tzu Yi Hui volunteers for 5 years or more, which indicated they were experienced, with high commitment for serving.2.The respondents reported high levels of participation motivation, and “social responsibility” and “organizational characteristics” were proved to be the most important motivations, followed by “self-growth”, and finally “interpersonal relationships”. It indicated that those volunteers were willing to give, first benefiting others and then self-interest.3.Those respondents also reported high degrees of organizational commitment: “diligence commitment” was the highest priority, followed by “organization identification” and “retention commitment”. It showed that the volunteers usually take actions to express their identification and belongingness to Tzu Yi Hui, such as being proud of being part of it.4.The respondents’ self-reported scores of well-being were slightly lower than the average scores of participation motivation and organizational commitment. Among the sub-dimensions of well-being, “life satisfaction” is the highest, “emotional feeling” is the second, and “physical and mental health” is relatively low. This result highlighted that Tzu Yi Hui volunteers always give priority to serve others, and may neglect their own “physical and mental health” and “emotional feelings”, thus weakening their sense of well-being.5.This research found that participation motivation and organizational commitment were highly correlated (r = 0.77, p< .05). There was a moderate correlation between well-being and organizational commitment, as well as participation motivation (r = 0.63 and 0.66, respectively, p < .05). Moreover, volunteers’ well-being can be significantly predicted by both their participation motivation (t = 4.44, p < .05) and organizational commitment (t = 6.93, p < .05), and the R2 is 46.8%. In addition, their “retention commitment” (the sub-dimension of organizational commitment) was the best predictor of well-being, followed by “social responsibility” and “organizational characteristics” (the sub-dimension of participation motivation).In sum, this research provides the following practical suggestions: 1. As most of the current volunteers are the elderly, it is worth considered how to pass on to the future generation, such as by encouraging the Tzu Qing to join Tzu Yi Hui. 2. Due to the relatively low scores in the “physical and mental health” dimension, it may have impact on the current volunteers’ long-term willingness to stay in Tzu Yi Hui, and even on the willingness of future volunteers to participate. Thus, it is suggested that Tzu Yi Hui should pay more attention to remind their volunteers to value the physical and mental health, and to stay in good conditions. It not only benefits themselves for continuing participation but also helps gain social support from their families. Meanwhile, Tzu Yi Hui can offer some training courses or activities for those volunteers, which helps them care, inspire and learn from each other. Both of the above suggestions will better organize Tzu Chi’s loving family, and enable the volunteers to continue devoting themselves to Tzu Chi.Keywords: volunteer service, participation motivation, organizational commitment, well-being, Tzu Yi Hui.志工服務參與動機組織承諾幸福感慈懿會volunteer serviceparticipation motivationorganizational commitmentwell-beingTzu Yi Hui慈濟慈懿會志工參與動機、組織承諾與幸福感之研究—以慈濟大學附屬高級中學為例The Study of the Participation Motivation, Organizational Commitment and Well-being for the Volunteers of Tzu Cheng /Yi Te Association-A Case of Tzu Chi High School Affiliated with Tzu Chi Universityetd