張國恩Chang, Kuo-En王偉州Wang, Wei-Zhou2023-12-082023-06-062023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/85a0e2c7bd8c7600d28bb1407bdd118d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119792本研究旨在探討精熟學習整合擴增實境對於國中二年級學習者,在國文領域<聲音鐘>單元的教學活動之學習成效、延宕、神馳經驗以及行為序列之影響。研究對象為新北市某國中二年級,有效樣本數為 47 人,其中控制組共 23 人(男生 9 人、女生 14 人);實驗組共 24 人(男生 12 人、女生 12 人)。本研究採單因子之準實驗研究法並以班級為單位進行隨機分派,控制組為課本搭配講義、實驗組為平板電腦搭配精熟學習整合擴增實境系統。研究結果發現:(一)在學習成效方面,控制組顯著優於實驗組,其原因可能是其擴增方式不夠多元;(二)在延宕測驗方面,控制組與實驗組並無任何顯著差異,表示在教材內容的呈現更應具多樣化;(三)在神馳經驗方面,控制組與實驗組並無任何顯著差異,說明需多設計學習者與教材之間的互動;(四)在行為序列方面,控制組與實驗組有明顯差異,其行為模式可能與精熟標準有關。The purpose of this study was to explore effects of mastery learning integrated with augmented reality on second year of junior high school students’learning performance, delay posttest, flow experience and behavioral patterns in learning of Chinese domain“bell of sound”unit. The Participants were eighth grade students selected from a junior high school in New Taipei City, and the effective sample size was 47 people, of which the control group was 23 people (9 boys、14 girls);the experimental group was 24 people (12 boys、12 girls). A quasi-experimental design was adopted, and random assignment by class. The control group did not receive any system, while the experimental group received mastery learning-based AR Book (MAR Book) to support them.The results showed that, (1) there was a significant difference between the control group and the experimental group in terms of learner performance. This difference may be due to the higher level of diversity required by augmented reality;(2) Neither the control group nor the experiment group showed significant differences in delay posttest, which indicates that the learning resources could present in multiple forms. (3) When it came to flow experience, the control group and the experimental group did not differ significantly, suggesting that the design of curricula and study materials should involve more collaboration and interaction. (4) The behavioral patterns used by the control group and the experimental group differ significantly in terms of mastery standards and behavioral sequences.精熟學習閱讀理解擴增實境擴增實體書國文領域Mastery LearningReading ComprehensionAugmented RealityAugmented Reality BookChinese Learning精熟學習整合擴增實境對閱讀理解之成效The Effect of Integrating Mastery Learning with Augmented Reality for Reading Comprehensionetd