陳琪婷張惠玲2014-10-272014-10-272009-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18510隨著國內環境的改變,帶動便利性高的家庭取代餐消費日益增加,充分顯示出家庭取代餐的 市場潛力與對於國人餐飲消費型態上的改變,如何滿足家庭取代養消費者的需求及拓展市場規模,始成爲重要課題。因此,本研究旨在探討不同類群之家庭取代養消 費者其消費決策過程之差異性,以深入瞭解不同類群消費者在選擇家庭取代養之重要考量。本研究以問卷調查法進行,採用EKB(Engel, Kollat, & Blackwell)決策模式,以生活型態變數作爲市場區隔之劃分,並以人口統計變數描述其特性。經研究分析後,根據生活型態將家庭取代餐受訪者劃分爲三 個類群,分別爲「保守趨避型」、「自我滿足型」以及「品味樂活型」;不同類群之家庭取代養消費者,在人口統計變數之共同居住家庭人數上具有顯著性差異;不 同類群之家庭取代養消費者,在消費決策過程之評估率則、購買行爲以及購後態度部分具有顯著差異。 本研究結果可作爲建立家庭取代養消費者市場區隔之基礎,並可提供養食業者制訂家庭取代養行銷策略與產品開發之重要參考建議。Along with the changes of social environment in Taiwan, the consumption of convenient home meal replacement (HMR) products is greatly growing in recent years. It shows the potential market opportunities for the development of HMR products. How to meet the needs and the demand of HMR consumers has become an important task for the HMR industry. Thus, the purpose of this research was to examine HMR consumers on the types of lifestyle, demographics variables, and the consumption decision process of HMR. The questionnaire survey method was used to collect data. The results of the study were summarized as follows: (1) Based on the types of lifestyle, HMR consumers were categorized into three groups: "Conservative Consumers", "Self-satisfied Consumers", and "LOHAS Consumers". (2) HMR consumers in different lifestyle groups were significantly different on their family structure. (3) HMR consumers in different lifestyle groups partially differed on the consumption decision process including evaluative criteria, purchase behavior, and attitudes after purchasing. The results of the study can provide useful information for the food industry providers to segment product market and establish marketing strategy.家庭取代餐生活型態EKB決策模式市場區隔Home meal replacementLifestyleEKB modelmarket segmentation生活型態與家庭取代餐消費政策關係之研究A Study of Relationships between Lifestyle and Home Meal Replacement Consumption Decision