黃靖惠Hwang, Jing Huey連婕Lian, Jie2019-08-292009-8-252019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695020154%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92433中文摘要 本研究以金曲獎為例,從多元文化觀點反思多元文化政策。研究目的包括:探討國內「族群」音樂現況、以多元文化觀點探討金曲獎的獎項分類、並探討多元文化治理與金曲獎的關係。為達成以上研究目的,本研究採取質性研究取向,深度訪談金曲獎主辦單位新聞局以及民間音樂工作者,以蒐集相關資料。 本研究發現從批判性多元文化觀點來檢視國內「族群」音樂,其社會結構性問題包括大眾對「族群」音樂的既定印象、音樂聆聽習慣與消費方式、「族群」音樂缺乏宣傳與經濟資源。其次,就金曲獎而言,本研究發現當前的獎項分類方式不僅分割了市場資源(此乃如同「巨傘論」呈現的困境),也因過多的政治考量而忽略音樂的本質。綜言之,金曲獎的現行制度展現了文化多樣性,卻忽略了「族群」音樂的結構性問題。 依據上述發現,本研究提出下列三層面的省思與建議: 一、多元文化的政策:由金曲獎檢視多元文化政策,可以發現國家透過相關政策將各族群文化納入治理範疇,不僅形成一種收編,而且政策若僅是考量政治正確性而忽略文化層面(如音樂)的本質,將會阻礙文化與社會的發展。 二、金曲獎與文化治理:由金曲獎語言獎項設置的社會背景與脈絡來看,音樂的文化治理符合「多元並重導向」之模式,其中包含官方政府、經濟產業與市民社會三種影響力。 三、相關建議:政府應正視「族群」音樂之結構性問題並致力活化相關產業,尤其應透過文化產物(如音樂、戲劇等)建立「族群」文化的價值;此外,應重視民間社會意見的改變與趨向、考慮階段性增設音樂類型獎項,並改善目前政策缺乏連續性、業務劃分零散、調查資訊不足等缺點。同時,社會大眾與音樂產業均應培養與提昇多元文化的素養。 關鍵字:金曲獎、多元文化、「族群」音樂、文化治理A Study of Multicultural Policy:The Case of “Golden Melody Awards” Abstract This study aims to reflect the multicultural policy by taking “Golden Melody Awards” as an example. In detail, the purposes of this study encompass the understanding of the situation of “ethnic” music in Taiwan, the investigation of the classification of the awards under “Golden Melody Awards”, and the provision of an insight into the relationship between the multicultural governance and “Golden Melody Awards”. In order to achieve the above purposes, this study collected relevant information through in-depth interviews with a coordinate officer in the Government Information Office and several workers in music industries. The interviews indicate that social structural problems for “ethnic” music include: the stereotyped views of the mass, the inflexible tendency of the mass for listening and consuming music products, “ethnic” music is always short of advertisement and economic resources. Furthermore, in terms of “Golden Melody Awards”, the interviews suggest that the current classification of awards not only splits the resource of music market (a situation depicted by the “Umbrella Theory” ) but also ignores the true essence of music while having many political intentions. To sum up, “Golden Melody Awards” shows cultural diversity, but it neglects the social structural dilemmas for “ethic” music. Based on the above findings, this study comes forward three reflections and suggestions: 1. multicultural policy: While the nation governs and assimilates various ethic cultures through political policies, it ignores the core of cultural aspects (music, as an example) and therefore hold back cultural and social developments. 2. “Golden Melody Awards” and cultural governance: According to the social context for setting linguistic awards, the governance is involved with official authorities, trades and industries, as well as civil society. 3. relevant suggestions: The government should regard the problems of “ethnic” music and revitalize associated industries. Additionally, the government should pay deep attention to the change and inclination of public opinion, consider the gradual installation of awards under music genres, and eliminate several governance shortcomings. Meanwhile, the general public and music industries should enhance the literacy of multiculturalism.金曲獎多元文化「族群」音樂文化治理Golden Melody Awards“ethnic” musicmulticulturalcultural governance.多元文化觀點的文化政策分析—以金曲獎為例A Study of Multicultural Policy:The Case of “Golden Melody Awards”