潘正宸林珊如Cheng-Chen PanShan-Ju Lin2014-10-272014-10-272012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16757本文旨在詳述及推廣智能障礙者運動處方之擬定概念。智能障礙者的運動機能受先天限制所影響,造成運動效益產出值未盡理想;國內目前雖已進行適應體育的推廣,但普遍特殊教育老師未受過運動基礎醫學的訓練。本文所闡述之運動處方以科學的角度介入評量,並著重特殊教育強調之個別化需求設計,在實行上能改善智能障礙者運動不足及運動不當的情形,進而改善其生活品質。The purpose of this article was to stress the importance of exercise prescription for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID). Individuals with ID are not able to acquire the exercise benefits due to their physical inactivity and low cognitive development. Although special education teachers in Taiwan have limited training on basic sports medicine, exercise prescription can be used to evaluate the individual’s body condition from scientific perspectives, and further to design an individualized exercise plan according to the student’s personal needs. It is expected that exercise prescription will avoid the unnecessary injury, and improve the quality of life for individuals with ID.運動處方健康體適能智能障礙exercise prescriptionhealth-related physical fitnessintellectual disability智能障礙者體適能運動處方之擬定概念The Planning of Exercise Prescription for Enhancing Physical Fitness of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities