洪儷瑜教授HUNG, LI YU張寶娟CHANG, PAO CHUAN2019-08-282007-7-232019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0591091207%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91580本研究旨在探討字母拼讀教學法的實施對增進國中英語學習困難學生讀寫字能力的成效。本研究之字母拼讀教學法係採直接教學方式教導英文字母或字族的形音對應關係及拼音和音素分割等音素覺識能力。研究對象取樣自台北縣某國中二年級智力正常但在「英文讀寫字測驗」表現顯著困難的學生共30名,隨機分配至實驗組與控制組,實驗組接受為期九週每週3-4次之字母拼讀教學,控制組未接受額外教學,藉此探討實驗教學之立即、保留與類化效果。在立即與保留效果方面採等組後測設計,於教學結束及一個月後實施自編之「字母拼讀教學評量」;類化效果則採等組前後測設計,於教學前後實施「英文讀寫字測驗」;另進行讀字錯誤類型、讀音素正確率等分析,作為成效之參考,以及探討英文讀字能力的成長與其中文識字與聲韻覺識能力的關係。 本研究的主要發現歸納如下: 1.字母拼讀教學對增進音素分割能力和讀字能力具有立即和保留效果,但在聽辨字中音素與聽單字填字母能力之效果不顯著。 2.字母拼讀教學對讀字能力的增進具有類化效果,實驗組在形音關係教過的單音節字表現類化效果,尤其在子音和短母音部分。聽寫能力僅在聽寫子音部分優於控制組。 3.實驗組較能應用形音關係讀字,但因學習尚未穩固而使發音錯誤比率大幅提高。 4.中文識字能力對受試在英文讀字能力的成長有顯著關係,但中文聲韻覺識能力則否。 根據上述結果,本研究對英語學習困難之補救教學、未來研究與國中學障鑑定提出相關建議。The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of phonics instruction (PI in short) on English literacy of junior high school students with English learning difficulties. PI in this study was direct instruction of letter-sound correspondences, word families and phonemic awareness. Thirty eighth-grade students from Taipei County, who were with normal IQ but appeared sever difficulties by the English Literacy Test, participated in this study. They were randomly assigned into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received PI for 9 weeks 3-4 times per week, but the control group didn’t. The immediate and the short-term maintain effects were measured by Phonics Instruction Test within the posttest-only matched-group experimental design. The generalization effect was investigated through the pretest-posttest experimental design and it was measured by the English Literacy Test. Additionally, the analysis of the error types of word reading and the accuracy of phonemic reading were made to indicate the effect of PI. The relationships between Chinese word recognition or Chinese phonological awareness and the progress of English word reading from PI was also investigated. The major findings of this study were concluded as follows: 1. PI appeared significant effects on improving the ability of phoneme segmentation and English word reading. However, the ability of phoneme discrimination and the dictation of word-initial consonants, word-middle vowels and word-final consonants were non-significantly improved. 2. PI showed generalization effect on reading monosyllabic English words whose grapheme-phoneme correspondences were taught, especially in consonants and short vowels. Furthermore, the students of experimental group also improved their consonant of English word dictation. 3. The experimental group used more the grapheme-phoneme correspondences to read words. However, they made more sound error due to their immaturity of the grapheme-phoneme correspondences. 4. The relationship of Chinese word recognition and the progress of English word reading from PI was found, none was found with Chinese phonological awareness. According to the findings above, the suggestions for practical teaching, future studies, and the identification for junior high school students with learning disability were made.英語學習困難字母拼讀法英文讀寫字音素覺識認讀能力拼字能力English learning difficultiesphonics instructionEnglish literacyphonemic awarenessdecoding abilitiesspelling字母拼讀教學法對增進國中英語學習困難學生英文讀寫字學習成效之探討The Effects of Phonics Instruction on English Literacy of Junior High School Students with English Learning Difficulties