官英華Guan, Ying-Hua吳家恂Wu, Chia-Hsun2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007845122%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109921語法翻譯法 (grammar-translation method) 源遠流長,堪稱是外語教學中歷史最悠久的方法。此教學法的主要教學內容是語法規則,而翻譯則是教學中通用的手段。此外,它還強調母語在外語教學中的重要角色和功能,倡導通過母語和目的語之間的互譯來培養以讀寫為主的外語能力。語法翻譯法曾一度興盛,被廣泛使用於外語教學中,但隨著時代的發展和變遷,逐漸銷聲匿跡並被其他教學法所取代。其過於注重語法而忽略語言溝通功能等做法不僅被外語教學界視為守舊落後且不合時宜,甚至還遭到排斥和摒棄。 筆者任教於瑞士蘇黎世大學漢學系,負責教授初級漢語課程,以循序漸進且有系統地培養學生的語言能力為教學目標。為滿足教學所需,多年來筆者將語法翻譯法運用於教學中,希望藉此幫助學生建立鞏固的語法基礎,進而發展良好的綜合語言能力。然而,每一種教學法都有其優勢和長處,也有其不足和限制,語法翻譯法亦不例外。本研究的主要目的在於檢視語法翻譯法在任教課程中的施行情況及其教學成效,並以研究結果為依據,探析語法翻譯法為教學帶來的利弊得失。對於利處,筆者今後將繼續保持並強化;對於弊端,則追根究柢找出癥結所在,以便對症下藥,採取相應的改善措施。除了改進教學缺失外,筆者還進一步探討如何可更好地運用語法翻譯法,揚長避短。在致力於語言技能訓練的同時,不忘培養學生的跨文化溝通能力,以實現結構形式和實用功能並重的漢語教學,進而讓教學與全球發展接軌,邁向交流互動頻繁的溝通時代。The grammar-translation method, with its long tradition, is considered to be the oldest method of foreign language teaching. In this method, the mother tongue of the students plays a very essential role. Due, however, to such tendencies as overemphasizing the effect of grammar and ignoring the functional aspect of language learning, the grammar-translation method was despised as outdated, and still remains disparaged and unpopular in the field of foreign language education. As a lecturer in charge of a Chinese language course at university level, I have been practicing the grammar-translation method for over a decade. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine and evaluate my own teaching, as well as student learning outcomes, with regard to the grammar-translation method in current use. The findings resulting from this research will be later applied to improve my teaching methods and techniques in a targeted way. A further issue to be dealt with here is how to optimize the grammar-translation method by combining it with other methods of a cultural and communicative nature. In particular, this thesis will discuss how to teach Chinese with support from structural rules of grammar with the goal of guiding students to learn Chinese as a practical and functional language tool.漢語教學語法翻譯法初級漢語課程外語教學方法Chinese TeachingGrammar-Translation MethodElementary Chinese Language CourseForeign Language Teaching Method語法翻譯法在海外漢語教學中之應用-以瑞士蘇黎世大學漢學系初級漢語課程為案例Application of Grammar-Translation Method in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language – A Case Study of Elementary Chinese Language Course in the Department of Chinese Studies at the University of Zurich