劉恆妏洪頌媖Hung, Sung-Ying2019-08-282013-6-262019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699070107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88656本研究的主要目的為透過「美國民主基礎系列教材-認識正義」與「我國國中公民教科書第四冊」的教材分析,了解兩者的課程設計與教學策略的差異,並參考與學習他國教材的優點,以設計適合我國國中教學場域的法治教育活化課程,再用行動研究的方式,於課程進行過程中不斷反思與改進教學,並透過教學觀察、課程回饋單、學生訪談、教師訪談等來蒐集研究資料,以探討學生與教師對此次法治教育課程的觀感與評價,而經資料整理與分析後的研究結果如下: 壹、美國民主基礎系列「認識正義」與我國國中公民教科書第四冊之分析比較 一、在法治意涵部分,國中公民第四冊較強調刑罰的目的、方式和法條,且呈現方式較為平鋪直述,法律用語也較艱深;美國民主基礎系列教材則較重視法律公平性的概念,法治概念的呈現也較為抽象,會採用當地故事作包裝。 二、在課程設計部分,美國民主基礎系列教材採用的是「經驗學習」與「實作」的方式;我國國中公民教科書中的課程設計則偏向知識性的教導。 三、在教學策略的部分,美國民主基礎系列教材重視班級討論式的互動教學、小組討論有爭議性的社會議題、模擬情境和思考工具的應用;國中公民第四冊則著重在教師的講述教學,並輔以練習教學法與新聞時事討論。 貳、教材比較差異對法治課程的啟示 一、國中公民教科書可刪減過多的法律專有名詞,並增加法律原則的思考。 二、國中公民教科書可參考美國民主基礎系列教材的經驗學習與實作的課程設計方式,及思考工具、班級討論、有效提問與小組學習等教學策略。 三、融入式活化課程設計可短期實施也可長期融入,而其限制包含了學生接受度、時間與段考範圍、分組方式等。 參、學生與教師對活化法治教育課程的觀感與評價 一、多數學生都表示喜歡小組討論與有參與感的上課方式,並認為分配正義的介紹可幫助了解法律公平正義的意涵,也願意於日常生活中嘗試思考工具,但也有少數學生持相反意見,不喜歡小組討論或是覺得思考工具麻煩。 二、協同教師認為分配正義概念的融入與教學策略的應用是適當的,但須注意授課節數足夠與否,其並表示願意用循序漸進的方式融入此種課程。 而根據研究結果,研究者也對欲融入課程的教學者和從事相關研究者提出建議: 壹、欲融入與參考「美國民主基礎系列教材」的建議 一、若課程時間有限可以與分配正義有關的案例為主 二、案例討論可多挑選新聞實例或影片以更吸引學生興趣 三、可先挑選師生互動較佳的班級開始嘗試討論式課程 四、多關心學生對課程的感受以隨時調整授課方式 五、可採用課後作業單的方式來節省課堂引導與討論的時間 六、可尋求更多協同教師加入課程設計 七、不時提醒學生課本的進度以方便學生對照課本內容 八、課程投影片應事先用教室設備測試字體與顏色是否適當 貳、對後續研究的建議 一、可嘗試設計七年級或高中學生的活化法治教育課程。 二、可嘗試增加量化的測驗,如法治教育課程實施的前後測。 三、可嘗試多安排兩節課左右的模擬情境讓學生練習思考工具的應用,或讓社區資源人士加入和安排課後實作的課程。 四、可嘗試由導師或是任課教師來實施法治教育課程,並觀察在此情況之下的學生反應。Through analyzing“Foundations of Democracy : Justice”and“Taiwanese junior high school civic education Book 4”, the main purpose of this research is to understand the difference in course design and teaching strategy; further learn from the advantages of foreign resources; design an appropriate activated law-related education for Taiwan junior high school students. Furthermore, through Action Rsearch, teachers may reflect and improve teaching during the course. The researcher collected data through various forms, such as in-class observation, course work-sheets, student interviews, teacher interviews, to discuss the evaluation and thoughts of students and teachers on law-related education. The result after analyzing the data is as follows: 1.The comparative analysis of“Foundations of Democracy : Justice”and “Taiwanese junior high school civic education book 4” (1)On the concept of law, junior high school civic education Book 4 places more emphasis on the purpose, method and rules of punishment. In addition, it uses a more objective tone with more difficult words. On the contrary,“Foundations of Democracy”places more significance on the concept of fairness in law. In addition, they adopt local stories as an approach to illustrate abstract law concepts. (2)When designing courses,“Foundations of Democracy”adopts the methods of “experiential learning”and“performance-based curriculum”while the curriculum of Taiwanese junior high school civic education textbooks places emphasis on imparting knowledge. (3)When it comes to the difference in teaching strategies,“Foundations of Democracy”puts emphasis on interactive teaching through class discussion, group discussion of controversial social issues, applying role-playing and intellectual tools. On the other hand, junior high school civic education Book 4 places more importance on lectures, and adopting news discussion and practice teaching methods as a secondary approach. 2.Inspiration to law-related courses through comparing the difference in teaching materials (1)Extra specific law terminology in civic education textbooks of junior high school students can be eliminated and increase more pondering upon law principles. (2)The textbooks of junior high school civic education can look to“Foundations of Democracy”for reference in designing and carrying out courses, such as intellectual tools, class discussion, efficient inquisition, group learning and other teaching strategies. (3)The design of activated infusion curriculum can be executed temporarily or implemented on a regular basis. What's more, the limitations of the curriculum include students' reactions, time and the range of monthly test, methods of grouping the students, etc. 3.Evaluation and feelings of students and teachers on activated law-related education courses (1)Most students state that they prefer group discussions and interaction in class and believe that introducing“Distributive Justice”can help them understand the meaning of fair justice in law. Besides, they are also willing to try using intellectual tools in daily life. Yet, there are also a few students who oppose to the idea of group discussion and argue that intellectual tools are quite troublesome. (2)Collaborative teacher believe that it is appropriate to use the concept of distributive justice in the teaching strategy. Nevertheless, teachers should pay attention to whether there is enough time in class. Moreover, they stated that they are willing to adopt this method step by step. According to the result of the research, researcher also provides several advices for teachers attempting to adopt the course and other researchers in similar fields. 1.Suggestions on infusing“Foundations of Democracy” (1)If there is limited time during the course, teachers can mainly use the cases about distributive justice. (2)To motivate students, teachers can pick real life cases on everyday news or films for case discussion. (3)Pick classes which has better interaction with the teacher to try out discussion courses. (4)Show more concern about student's feelings of the course in order to promptly adjust teaching method. (5)Adopt after-class worksheets to save time for group discussion in class. (6)Seek more collaborative teachers in designing courses. (7)Remind students from time to time the chapter they are on to make it easier for students to connect the teaching with the content in textbooks. (8)Use the equipment in the classroom beforehand to double check power point slides and see if the font and color is appropriate. 2.Advice for further research (1)Try to design activated law-related education for seven-graders or high school students. (2)Try to increase quantitative examinations, such as tests before and after the implementation of law-related educational courses. (3)Try to arrange about two classes of role playing to practice intellectual tools, or let community members arrange performance-based lessons. (4)Try to let homeroom teachers or subject teachers implement law-related education and observe student's reactions.法治教育美國民主基礎系列教材活化教學融入式課程law-related educationFoundations of Democracyactivated teachinginfusion curriculum活化國中法治教育課程的行動研究-以美國民主基礎系列教材「認識正義」為藍本An Action Research of the curriculum to activate law-related education in Junior High School-use “Foundations of Democracy : Justice” as an example.