林伯修Lin, Po-Hsiu趙定群Chao, Ting-Chun2023-12-082022-09-222023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/02370dd0087937c8cf60944f7ff661da/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121712本研究以生涯發展、生涯轉換、運動社會化與社會支持等觀點切入探討學生棒球運動員角色轉換之歷程和個人與社會間的相互關係對生涯造成的影響。使用半結構式深度訪談法訪談八位具有甲級棒球經驗的人員,希望以此給予運動員們規劃生涯發展的方向研究結果發現八名研究者生涯主要的社會支持來源為家庭與學校 (教練);生涯轉換前學生運動員進入球隊的時間主要集中在國小三、四年級,退出球隊的時間則因人而異,生涯轉換後從事的職業以從事與棒球相關工作與否進行討論,八位受訪者之分布為一比一且最終層級愈高的受訪者愈難跳脫運動相關行業,最終層級較低的受訪者則相反;生涯轉換期間所遭遇的生涯阻礙於內在因素為:身材劣勢、受傷風險考量、遭受挫折和投球失憶症等;於外在因素為:環境、家人、進階受阻、缺乏上場空間、能力不足與經濟壓力等。From the perspectives of career development, career transition, socialization of sports and social support, this study explores the process of student baseball players' role transition and the impact of the relationship between individuals and society on their careers. Using semi-structured in-depth interviews to interview eight people with experience in Division A baseball, hoping to give players a direction for career development. The results of the study found that the main sources of social support for the eight researchers' careers were family and school (coach). Different, the occupation after career change is discussed whether to engage in baseball-related work or not. The distribution of the eight respondents is 1 to 1, and the higher the final level, the more difficult it is for the respondents to escape from the sports-related industry. The lower respondents are the opposite;the career obstacles encountered during the career transition are internal factors: physical disadvantage, injury risk consideration, setbacks and pitching amnesia, etc.;external factors: environment, family, progress obstacles, lack of playing space, lack of ability and economic pressure.學生運動員生涯轉換運動社會化社會支持student athletecareer transitionsocialization of sportssocial support學生棒球運動員生涯轉換歷程研究A study on the career transition process of student baseball playersetd