廖遠光Liao, Yuen-kuang謝彩鳳Hsieh, Tasi-Feng2019-08-292013-7-122019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699030030%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92620本研究透過「後設分析法」(meta-analysis),探討數位化補救教學與傳統補救教學對學生認知及情意學習成效之影響。本研究將研究變項分為文件性質、受試者性質、研究方法性質與研究案性質等四大類,各類之下又細分成二十一個子變項來探討是否會造成學習成效之差異。 本研究中,認知學習共蒐集38篇研究案;情意方面,則有15篇研究案。各篇研究文獻之量化數據皆換算成效果大小值(Effect Size),以進行各變項之同質性考驗。經統計分析後,結果如下: 壹、 整體成效 一、認知學習:數位化補救教學可以提升學生認知學習成效,其整體效果量為 0.3223達微量正向成效,顯示數位化補救教學優於傳統補救教學。在分析的 研究報告中,有七成八的研究支持數位化補救教學的認知學習成效。 二、情意學習:顯示在學習動機及態度上,使用數位化補救教學的方式會優於傳統 補救教學,其整體效果量為0.3178,達微量正向成效。在分析的研究報告 中,有九成五的研究支持數位化補救教學的情意學習成效。 貳、 各變項之分析 一、認知學習上「工具信度」變項達顯著水準。 二、情意學習上「實驗教學場所」變項達顯著水準。 最後根據本研究之結果,提出教育應用與相關研究建議。A meta-analysis was performed to synthesize existing research comparing the effects of Digital-based remedial instruction with traditional remedial instruction on students’ congnitive and affective achievement. The studies were located from four sources. For cognitive outcomes, there were 38 studies collected, and 15 studies on affective outcomes. The quantitative data of the collected studies were transformed into Effect Size(ES). In addition, 21 studied variables were selected and each studied variable was analyzed by homogeneity test. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The whole effects suggest that Digital-based remedial instruction is more effective than traditional remedial instruction on both cognitive and affective learning. Their weighted ES were 0.3223 and 0.3178, respectively. 2. One variable, tool reliability had a statistically significant impact on the mean ES of cognitive achievement. 3. One variable, occasion of treatment had a statistically significant impact on the mean ES of affective achievement. Based on these findings, some implications for future studies were suggested.數位化補救教學學習成效後設分析Digital-basedremedial instructionlearning achievementMeta-analysis數位化補救教學對學生學習成效影響之後設分析Effects of Digital-based Remedial Instruction on Students’ Learning Achievement: A Meta-analysis