許琇禎2014-10-272014-10-271999-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24669王禎和是臺灣現代文學發展過程中,非常重要的本土作家之一。由於他的小說是以生活化及戲劇化的「語言」,來呈現臺灣社會變遷過程中的多元文化現象及衝突。因此,通過對其小說敘事語言及結構的論析,不但可以釐清其文學風格之成因與思維取向,而且,經由其小說語言的變化過程,更可揭示臺灣文學由鄉土而本土所展現的不同人文觀察和認知。Chen-ho Wang (王禎和) is one of the most significant novelists in modern literature of Taiwan. Highlighted by dramatic and living languages, his novels successfully presented the cultural conflicts and diversity. These events also represented the developmental progress of Taiwanese society. By analysis of narrative speech and structure, the writer tries to clarify the novelist's literary style and thinking. Further, according to the variation of languages in his novels, the writer also outlines the cultural observation and identification. The process is evolved from gassroot sensibility to native recognition.多語言戲謔視聽化語言歌曲象徵結構Multi-languagesWisecrackAudio-visualized languageSongsSymbolic structure多語言的文化衝突