林逢祺吳心蕙2019-08-282011-7-272019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694000080%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90081本研究旨在探討亞里斯多德的著作《詩學》中悲劇理論的內涵,並闡述與發展其在教育中應用的可能性。本研究首先從亞里斯多德的生平及時代探討《詩學》撰寫背景,並分析《詩學》的內涵和其中的悲劇論述;其次著重在悲劇所引發的情緒及其功能──「淨化」;最後,詮釋悲劇的教育意涵,並闡述與發展亞理斯多德悲劇理論在教育應用上的啟示與建議。 本研究的結論包括: 一、《詩學》中的悲劇具有教育意義,讓人從戲劇情境中省思自身處境,並經由情緒抒發,使人身心重新獲得平衡。 二、悲劇誘發的情緒是導致淨化的要素,從哀憐與恐懼提升到具認知性的崇高與悲壯,達成淨化的過程。 三、悲劇淨化的概念可揭示以人為核心的教育原則,並可應用於生活教育、情緒教育、道德教育、文雅教育等教育內容上。The purpose of this study is to explore Aristotle’s tragedy theory in Poetry, and to develop its application on education. First, it describes the life and the age of Aristotle, to inquiry the academic background of his art philosophy. Second, it analyzes the context of Poetry, especially on tragedy. Third, it explicates the emotions which raised by tragedy, and interprets the meaning of catharsis. Finally, it illuminates and develops the application of Aristotle’s tragedy theory on education. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1.The tragedy in Poetry is meaningful on education. People could introspection one’s own life situation and express emotions via dramas. Then they could regain the balance of soul. 2.The emotions which raised by tragedy are elements of catharsis. According the process which from pity and fear to sublime and tragic, people would reach the final goal, catharsis. 3.The concepts of catharsis interpret education principles which focus on human beings. It could also apply on life education, emotion education, moral education, and literary education.亞里斯多德詩學悲劇淨化情緒AristotlePoetrytragedycatharsisemotion亞里斯多德的悲劇理論及其在教育上的應用