劉紀嘉黃信銘2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099702219%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98805摘要 本研究以新北市立新北高工為研究對象,在探討不同入學方式學生在學習成就上的差異比較。主要目的在了解:一、比較性別與不同入學方式學生在校前五學期共同科智育成績與統一入學測驗共同科成績的差異情況;二、探討性別與不同入學方式學生學習動機的差異情況;三、探討性別與不同入學方式學生學習滿意的差異情況。 本研究採用問卷調查法與次級資料分析法,以學生在校五學期成績與統一入學測驗成績為資料進行分析,並以新北高工學生學習動機與滿意度問卷為研究工具,取得有效樣本528 份。資料以描述性統計來驗證本研究的假設。 本研究得到以下結論: 一、在校五學期共同科智育成績:入學方式免試入學高於登記分發;不同 性別女生優於男生。 二、統一入學測驗共同科成績:入學方式申請入學高於免試入學;不同性 別女生優於男生。 三、整體的學習動機:入學方式登記分發高於免試入學;不同性別女生高 於男生。 四、整體的學習滿意度:入學方式登記分發高於免試入學;不同性別男生 高於女生。在「環境設備」、「教師教學」、「課程規劃」 與「同 儕互動」各構面中,入學方式登記分發高於免試入學;不同性別男生 高於女生。 最後根據研究結果提出建議,以供相關人員參考。Abstract The study took New Taipei Municipal New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School as the object and explored the difference comparison in the learning achievement of students with different entrance modes. The main purpose was to understand: 1. the difference between common-subject scores of five semesters in school and common entrance examination scores for students with different gender and entrance modes; 2. the difference in learning motivation for students with different gender and entrance modes; 3. the difference in learning satisfaction for students with different gender and entrance modes. The study analyzed students’ common-subject scores of five semesters in school and common entrance examination scores using questionnaires and secondary data analysis and obtained 528 valid samples with students’ learning motivation and satisfaction questionnaire as research tool. Descriptive statistics were adopted to verify the hypothesis of this study. The study obtains following conclusions: I. As for common-subject scores of five semesters, the score of students by open admission was significantly higher than that by registration distribution in terms of entrance modes; the score of girls was significantly higher than that of boys in terms of gender. II. As for common entrance examination scores, there was no significant difference in terms of entrance modes; the score of girls was significantly higher than that of boys in terms of gender. III. As for the overall learning motivation, there was no significant difference in terms of both entrance modes and gender. IV. As for the overall learning satisfaction, there was no significant difference in terms of entrance modes; the score of boys was significantly higher than that of girls in terms of gender. For “environmental equipment”, “teaching”, “curriculum planning” and “peers interaction” dimensions, there was no significant difference in terms of entrance modes; for gender, the learning satisfaction of boys was significantly higher than that of girls in terms of “peers interaction”. Recommendations are made based on the results as the reference for relevant people.學習成就學習動機學習滿意度Mearning AchievementLearning MotivationLearning Satisfaction職業學校學生入學方式與學習成就之研究-以新北市立新北高工為例Study of Learning Achievement and Entrance Modes for Vocational School Students - A Case Study of New Taipei Municipal New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School