宋修德Sung, Hsiu-Te黃泓舜Huang, Hung-Shun2020-10-192024-12-312020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060470019H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111019本研究旨在探討全國技能競賽選手就業力與生涯發展。研究者採用普查的方式,以第40屆至第43屆全國技能競賽參賽選手為研究對象,年齡區間介於21歲~31歲,其有效樣本共263份,對受試者施以就業力量表、生涯發展量表後,研究者所得資料以獨立t考驗、單因子變異數分析、逐步迴歸分析與以結構方程模式分析進行假設考驗。 依據資料分析結果,獲得主要研究結論如下:一、選手競賽後,對於其就業力與生涯發展助益程度自評為中等偏高。二、全國技能競賽選手會因不同的「參加職類」、「競賽層級」、「就業與參賽職類是否相關」、「選手身分是否有助於就業」與「選手身分是否有助於工作升遷」在參賽後對就業力助益程度有顯著差異。三、全國技能競賽選手會因不同的「參賽職類」、「競賽層級」、「畢業科系跟參賽職類是否相關」、「是否在職」、「就業與參賽職類是否相關」、「選手身分是否助於就業」與「選手身分是否助於工作升遷」在參賽後對生涯發展助益程度有顯著差異。四、全國技能競賽選手之不同背景變項對就業力與生涯發展具有正負向影響與預測力。五、全國技能競賽選手之就業力對生涯發展具有顯著正相關與預測力,解釋變異量達66%以上。最後,研究者根據研究結果,提供相關建議予選手、學校、政府、企業與後續研究者參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate the employability and the career development of the National skill Competitors. The researcher adopted census survey. The research subjects were the competitors of the 40th to 43rd National Skill Competition who were at the age of 21 to 31 years old. A total of 263 valid questionnaires were retrieved for the research. The research instruments were the Employability Scale and the Career Development Inventory. The hypotheses were tested by t-test, ANOVA, Stepwise regression analysis and AMOS. The findings of the study were as follows: First, after the competition, the competitors evaluated their employability and career development as moderate to high. Second, there was a significant difference in benefiting the employability for competitors with different “categories of competitions”, “competition levels”, “whether the employability is related to participating in the categories of competitions”, “whether the competitors’ identities benefit employability” and “whether the competitors’ identities benefit promotion” after the competitions. Third, there was a significant difference in benefiting the career development for competitors with different “categories of competitions”, “competition levels”, “whether the educational background is related to the categories of competitions”, “whether the competitors are in positions”, “whether the employability is related to participating in the categories of competitions”, “whether the competitors’ identities benefit employability” and “whether the competitors’identities benefit promotion” after the competitions. Fourth, there were positive and negative influences and predictability for the National Skill Competitors with different background variables on the employability and the career development. Fifth, there were significant positive relation and predictability for the National skill Competitors’ employability on the career development. The explained variation was above 66%. Finally, based on the findings, the researchers provide advice to the competitors, schools, governments, enterprises and researchers for subsequent reference.全國技能競賽選手就業力生涯發展National skill Competitorsemployabilitycareer development全國技能競賽選手就業力與生涯發展之相關研究A Study of the Relationship between the Employability and Career Development of National Skills Competitors