國立臺灣師範大學地理學系林宗儀陳華玟陳勉銘2016-03-222016-03-222011-07-012078-5941http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76946我國所擁有的福爾摩沙二號衛星,每天通過臺灣上空二次,且其黑白影像對地解析度可達2公尺,具有短時距內重複產出影像及高影像解析能力之特性,可實際應用於海岸環境的監測與災害的評估。對於沙質海岸而言,其海岸濱線常隨著自然營力及人為活動的影響而產生變動,濱線的前進或後退可以分別代表海岸的堆積和侵蝕。由於海岸侵蝕容易引發海岸災害,因此本研究乃嘗試利用福衛二號開始運作(2004年5月)至2008年間所產出之清晰海岸影像,分析臺灣沙質海岸濱線的變化,尋找在這四年期間發生侵蝕的熱點區域,以提供海岸防護的相關單位積極作為的參考。研究結果發現主要的侵蝕區域包括桃園竹圍漁港以南至草漯沙丘一帶、新竹金城賞鳥區、苗栗通宵漁港附近、雲林箔子寮漁港外側沙洲、外傘頂洲、嘉義好美里八掌溪口的沙洲、台南北門的王爺港沙洲,台南七股網仔寮沙洲、曾文溪口野鳥保護區、台南二仁溪口、宜蘭蘭陽溪南北兩側等地。其造成侵蝕的原因,大部分和鄰近海岸工程設施的建構及相關河川輸出沈積物的減少,所導致的整體海灘沈積物收支失衡有關。FORMOSAT-2 is a Taiwan-owned satellite that its daily revisit and high image resolution has made it a very good tool for environmental surveillance, especially for the sandy coast where the shoreline advance or retreat could represent coastal deposition or erosion respectively. Since an erosional coast is prone to be a hazardous area, we attempt to evaluate the most recent shoreline changes and identify the erosional hot spots on the sandy coast in Taiwan by using FORMOSAT-2 images taken during 2004 to 2008. Several erosional hot spots had been identified. The methods of evaluation and the causes for the recent erosion at some locations are discussed. Most of the erosional hot spots found are either due to engineering construction at the nearby section or the reduction of river sediment input to the coast.沙岸濱線變化侵蝕熱點福衛二號影像臺灣Sandy coastShoreline changeErosional hotspotFORMOSAT-2 imageTaiwan尋找近期臺灣沙質海岸侵蝕熱點Mapping Recent Erosional Hot Spots along the Sandy Coasts of Taiwan