周愚文Chou, Yu-Wen尹瑞晗YIN, Rui-Han2023-12-082022-08-192023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/382c73a360507d70aca342ad90ca3a98/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119502本研究以清後期中小學堂的課程與教科書為對象,旨在探討清嘉慶十二年(1807)至宣統三年(1911)間,西學知識成為教會學校及新式中小學堂教育內容的發展歷程,及其對近代中國教育變革產生的影響。研究以史學方法為主,對中英文一手資料進行考證與分析討論。中文史料選取《欽定學堂章程》與《奏定學堂章程》,《學部官報》,《清末官報匯編》所收錄清後期中國各省地方官報與教育官報,以及清後期西學書目;英文史料主要使用教會發行的《新教在華差會教務大會紀錄》、英國傳教士傅蘭雅所編《中國教育指南:新教差會學校說明》。基於此,本研究在課程方面:一、探究光緒朝「壬寅學制」及「癸卯學制」頒行前,官辦西式學堂、傳教士所辦教會學校的課程設置情況,再追溯清廷西式學堂與教會學校的西學課程在歐美等國的教育根源及發展。二、聚焦探討壬寅、癸卯兩學制對中小學堂課程的規劃、調整與修訂,以分析傳統中學課程比率的消長,以及西學課程的組成與教會學校、洋務學堂的關聯。三、討論清後期地方學堂如何安置兩學制規劃的西學課程,以發現學堂實施西學課程時的各項問題。教科書方面:一、探究兩學制頒行前,官辦西式學堂與在華教會學校的教科書編訂情況。二、探析兩學制頒行後,官方對西學教科書的規範與審定。三、考察清後期民間機構與留日學生編譯教科書,以及地方學堂為西學課程選用教科書的情形。最後,整體評析英、美、日三國對清後期中小學堂課程與教科書西化的影響。The aims of the study are to explore the curriculum and textbooks for Chinese elementary and secondary schools for inquiring the development of Western learning becoming the educational content in mission schools and the new schools in late Ch'ing Dynasty from 1807 to 1911, and to find its influence on an educational revolution in modern China. This study adopts historical method. The primary sources, such as the New School Regulations in Ch'ing, central and provincial educational gazettes, Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missions in China, and Educational Directory for China, are used. Schools' curriculum and textbooks edited and translated by mission schools and new school before the Ren-Yin School System enacted were analyzed. And then it analyzed how the 1902 and 1904 school systems regulated, adjusted and revised the curriculum for elementary and secondary schools in the late Ch'ing China, in this way, it calculated and analyzed the increase and decrease of the percentage of traditional curriculum, and on the other hand, it analyzed how the mission schools and new school affect the planning of the School System on composition of western curriculum. It also calculated the percentage of western learning subjects in curriculum, and discussed the censorship and standardization of western textbooks by Ministry of Education. On the other hand, by reviewing the state and province inspectors' reports to the developments of new schools in various provinces from MOE and local gazettes, it found how the local schools arranged the western courses and textbooks planned by the New School Regulations in Ch'ing, and found out the various problems in the implementation of western curriculum in local new schools in late Ch'ing China. At last, it analyzed the influence of the Great Britain, America, and Japan on the westernization of primary and secondary school's curriculum and textbooks in Late Ch'ing China.清後期學制初等教育中等教育課程教科書西化Late Ch'ingSchool Systemprimary educationsecondary educationcurriculumtextbookswesternization清後期中小學堂課程與教科書的西化The Westernization of Primary and Secondary School's Curriculum and Textbooks in Late Ch'ing Chinaetd