賴建都蕭景中CHIN-CHUNG HSIAO2019-09-052009-8-302019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694630067%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103388浮世繪的發展始於17世紀末期的日本江戶(現東京),後逐漸成為日本庶民藝術的代表。浮世繪的題材廣泛,從人物,時事,生活風俗開始,為江戶時代日本庶民生活留下了記錄。而隨著社會經濟逐漸發展,浮世繪逐漸發展出稱之為「名所繪」的風景畫作品,由於版畫可以大量複製的特性,名所繪可視為日本觀光風景海報的始祖,其中最著名的兩位繪師就是葛飾北齋與歌川廣重。最有名的名所繪系列作品就是「東海道五十三次」。相對於現今的觀光風景海報在設計的時候多以美麗的風景照片為主,名所繪將當時的日本各地的風景以繪畫的方式呈現,作品皆掌握了該景點的主要特色,其中有真實,也有美化,讓我們可以更加的了解當地的風俗與文化。   本研究主要針對浮世繪名所繪中出現的各項元素進行名所繪的景觀構成分析,從河川元素,樹木元素,人工建造物元素,山的元素與畫面的視角來解析浮世繪名所繪畫面構成,試圖歸納整理出通用的原則概念,並套用到現代的觀光風景海報設計之中。利用電腦繪圖來進行現代觀光風景海報的繪製,創作研究者於留學期間造訪的日本各大觀光名所,探討浮世繪名所繪的特色運用於現代觀光風景海報設計中的可能性。Ukiyoe woodcut print began in Japan in the end of 17th century . As time went by, Ukiyoe became the Japanese traditional art of multitude. Ukiyoe had a variety of motifs that included portrait, daily life, news, landscape and so on. With the development of economic and society, Ukiyoe landscape painting became more popular. It almost can say that Ukiyoe landscape painting is ancestor of tourism poster in Japan. Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige are the most famous artist of Ukiyoe. 53 Stations of the Tokaido is the most famous series work of Ukiyoe landscape painting. Compared with today's tourism poster design that always use beautiful photo as base image, Ukiyoe is a kind of painting work that can sufficiently show up traits of the landscape. We can know more about the landscape through these Ukiyoe works. This study is about researching landscape design of Ukiyoe landscape painting. In order to know how elements work in composition of the painting, we analyzed every element which is appeared in Ukiyoe landscape painting including river, tree, building and mountain, and try to find out some rules to create Ukiyoe style tourism poster.浮世繪景觀設計海報設計歌川廣重東海道五十三次Ukiyoelandscape designposter designUtagawa HiroshigeFifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido從浮世繪景觀設計探討觀光風景海報設計-以歌川廣重「東海道五十三次」為例