李貴生Lee, Kwai-sang2019-08-122019-08-122015-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80526本文以蔡元培的《石頭記索隱》為基礎,具體探討索隱派紅學與傳統經學的關係。文章首先檢討源出《春秋》學此一流行說法的不足之處,繼而闡明《詩經》傳箋之學對蔡元培紅學的詮釋視野及其操作方法的影響。經過深入辨析後,我們認為蔡氏索隱的詮釋取向實與傳統《詩經》學有更為密切的關係,而他所列舉的三種研究方法中,亦有兩項與傳箋之學相契合。這些發現有助闡明經學詮釋傳統對文學批評的影響。Based on Cai’s Shitouji suoyin (An Allegorical Reading of The Story of the Stone), this article will investigate the relations between Suoyin Redology and tradition Classical studies. It will first review the shortcomings of a prevalent view that the Suoyin method is originated from the studies of Chunqiu (The Spring and Autumn Annals), and then illustrate how the exegetical studies of Shijing (The Book of Odes) influences on the hermeneutical horizon as well as the modus operandi of Cai’s Redology. After a close examination, we assert that the hermeneutical approach of Cai’s Suoyin is deeply connected to the traditional studies of Shijing and, among the three methods suggested by Cai, two of them are accorded with exegetical studies. These findings demonstrate the influence of classical exegeses on the criticism of literature.比興微言蔡元培紅學經學淵源Allegorical MetaphorsSubtle WordsCaiYuan-peiRedologyClassical StudiesOrigins比興與微言之辨:以蔡元培紅學的經學淵源為中心Allegorical Metaphors versus Subtle Words : with Focus on the Classical Origins of Cai, Yuan-pei’s Redology