張炎憲卓佳芬2019-08-292007-7-252019-08-292007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692260026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93275台灣四面環海,擁有豐富的海洋資源,自古居住在這塊土地上的先民,海洋造就了他們生活,形成海洋文化。以海洋位置來看台灣,因特殊的地理位置,成了大航海時代以來西方海權強國覬覦的對象,於是外來政權在台灣影響著台灣人民,讓在地海洋文化無法表現自我的特色與在地特性,也使台灣雖近海但卻不親海。隨著台灣主體意識的覺醒,海洋文化的重視成了台灣在地文化重要素質之一,台灣北、中、南、東幾個重要靠海城市的海洋文化,一個一個的被喚醒。 位在北台灣的基隆,有著優良的天然地形與豐富的礦產資源,從十六世紀以來,便是台灣的重要國際貿易出入港口,當地人依靠海洋而生活,可以讓我們了解到台灣的海洋文化。在基隆的東北方的八斗子,同樣也是擁有天然港灣的地形,擁有豐富的海洋資源,但其所發展出的海洋文化卻與基隆不同,是完全以捕撈魚蝦等海洋資源的一個漁村,它沒有基隆那樣的胭脂華粉,反倒看出這裡的人依海生活的一切,是與海洋密不可分的。本研究目的要形塑八斗子的海洋文化,以八斗子的地形、氣候等自然環境作為背景,說明基隆八斗子地區自十六世紀至二十世紀的漁業發展與受到自然環境限制而表現出當地漁民生活情形,並從八斗子居民的聚落形成與特色和早期人們生活經驗留下的俗諺與居民的宗教信仰和文學作品中形塑八斗子的海洋文化,另外,八斗子人為家鄉、為海洋而奮不顧身解決當地三大公害並期待海洋科技館的成立與關懷在地文化的文史工作團隊的組成,也讓八斗子的海洋文化可以繼續傳承下去。Surrounded by sea, Taiwan is a place full of oceanic resources. The daily life of the early Taiwanese had everything to do with the sea; therefore, it forms a special oceanic culture. However, due to its geographical location, Taiwan becomes the coveting object of the western sea power nations. Being colonized by those nations Taiwanese cannot express their local culture openly and freely. Gradually, their natural character of being close to the sea had been lost. Thanks to the recent democracy tide in Taiwan, the oceanic culture has once again been its emphasis as one of the major local culture elements. This awareness has been spread over one after another in the sea port cities in the north, middle, south and east parts of Taiwan. Located in northern Taiwan, Keelung is by nature a harbor city with abundant mineral resources. Since the 16th century, it has been an important international trade port of Taiwan. The life of the local people is deeply related to the sea. By observing their life, we can have a better idea of the oceanic culture in Taiwan. Just like Keelung, Badouzih is also a nature port with abundant sea resources, but not a city like Keelung. It is only a small fishing village situated in the north-eastern corner of Keelung. It has no shining urban life like that of Keelung. Instead, it develops a culture of a fishing village that cannot be part from the ocean. The purpose of this paper is to shape an oceanic culture that belongs to Badouzih. This paper also attempts to trace down how the local people survived and developed a life style of a fishing village under the geographical and climate limitation. Moreover, it also aims to collect and arrange their old sayings, religion and literature work to find out how the village was formed and what character it has. Furthermore, it also makes a record on how the local people made efforts to solve three big environmental damages in the village. And looking forward, it is hoped that by way of establishing an ocean technology museum and by teaming up with a local literature and history data research group, the oceanic culture of Badouzih will continue to flourish.基隆八斗子海洋文化漁業基隆八斗子海洋文化之形塑The Formation of the Oceanic Culture in Badouzih, Keelung