陳浩然Chen, Hao-Jan韓雙憶Han, Shuang-Yi2020-12-142019-08-212020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060221069L%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110939本文旨在比較不同類型的雙語檢索工具輔助台灣高中生翻譯表現的成效,研究對象為普通高中二年級的三個班級,共計113人參與本研究。一組使用線上雙語檢索系統Concordancer Alpha,一組使用線上雙語字典Yahoo Dictionary,一組為控制組,沒有使用任何檢索工具。三組以一份相同題目的中翻英測驗題目進行前後測與延遲後測,藉以觀察使用雙語檢索工具前後的翻譯成效,以及該成效是否能維持。 前測結果顯示三組在該翻譯題目上的知識具有同質性。前測後,三組各接受一節課的句子翻譯教學,接著兩組實驗組分別接受所分配到的雙語工具的使用說明與訓練,在訓練中受試者皆需要使用各自的雙語工具完成練習題,訓練結束後的一個禮拜進行後測,在這一個禮拜期間,受試者被鼓勵繼續使用並探索該雙語工具。前測的一個禮拜後實施後測。在後測中,控制組被要求不能使用任何檢索工具來完成句子翻譯,而兩組實驗組的受試者則利用雙語工具進行句子翻譯。完成句子翻譯後,兩組實驗組學生皆須填寫問卷,以了解學生對於使用雙語檢索工具完成翻譯測驗的想法,接著於兩個禮拜後,三組受試者皆接受延遲後測,在延遲後測中,三組皆無使用任何檢索工具。 研究結果顯示雙語工具Concordancer Alpha以及Yahoo Dictionary 對於受測高中生的翻譯成效有所幫助,兩組實驗組學生在後測的表現,皆顯著優於前測,但控制組並無明顯進步,意即兩組實驗組於後測表現皆顯著優於控制組;另外,使用 Concordancer Alpha 的受試者在後測的表現顯著優於使用 Yahoo Dictionary 的受試者。然而,兩組學生在延遲後測表現有顯著退步,但仍然優於前測表現;且Concordancer Alpha 的受試者在延遲後測的表現仍然顯著優於使用 Yahoo Dictionary 的受試者。 除此以外,問卷結果顯示,學生對於利用雙語工具進行翻譯學習與練習持正向態度,且未來願意繼續使用雙語工具學習不會的字彙與進行翻譯輔助。學生使用雙語工具遇到的困難及對雙語工具的建議皆在研究中討論。The current study investigates the effects of two bilingual referencing tools, Concordancer Alpha and Yahoo Dictionary, on EFL senior high school students’ translation performance. The subjects are three intact classes of 11th graders in EFL senior high school. Among them, two experimental groups were instructed to use bilingual referencing tools, Concordancer Alpha and Yahoo Dictionary respectively, while the other group served as control group, having no referencing tools to turn to. One pretest, one posttest and one delayed posttest utilizing the same sentence-based translation task were employed in order to compare the translation performance among three groups. The results of pretest ensured the homogeneity of three groups in terms of their knowledge of the translation task. After the pretest, the three groups received instruction on how to do sentence translation. Next, the two experimental groups received instruction on how to use their assigned tools, and they were given an exercise that required them to finish with the tools. After the training, participants in the two experimental groups were encouraged and advised to continue to explore the tool. One week after the pretest, a posttest was administered. In the posttest, the control group was asked to finish the translation task without the help of referencing tool, while the two experimental groups were required to finish the sentence translation task with the help of their assigned bilingual referencing tools. After the posttest, participants in the experimental groups were asked to complete a questionnaire inquiring their perception and experience of doing sentence translation with referencing tools. Two weeks after posttest, the delayed posttest was administered. The results indicated that using bilingual tools was helpful in improving the quality of sentence translation, and learners in both experimental groups made significant progress in the posttest. In addition, Concordancer Alpha Group outperformed significantly than the other two groups. The results of delayed posttest demonstrated that the although the scores of the two experimental groups regressed significantly after two weeks, their scores in delayed posttest were still higher than those in their pretest, indicating that the residual effect of both referencing tools could be maintained for a period of time. Moreover, in delayed posttest, Concordancer Alpha Group still outperformed the other two groups. As for learners’ perception reported in the questionnaires, most of the participants held positive attitudes toward consulting bilingual tools when doing translation task, and they expressed willingness to continue using the tools for future consultation. In light of the findings of the current research,some pedagogical implications are drawn. Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research are also presented.翻譯雙語檢索系統雙語工具雙語字典bilingual concordancersbilingual toolsbilingual dictionarytranslation learning雙語工具對台灣高中生句子翻譯影響之研究The Effects of Two Bilingual Referencing Tools on Senior High Students’ Sentence Translation