陳國彥2014-10-272014-10-271988-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23914A climograph method using amount of precipitation and height of runoff is introduced to depict the river basin characteristics of Taiwan. Four regions are classified and the research findings are summarized as follows: 1. North region: Typical examples include Lan-Yang His, Tan-Shui Ho, and its tributaries. Amount of precipitation and height of runoff are evenly distributed throughout the year with maxima found in June and September. There is no obvious drought season and the rivers flow all year around in this region. 2. Central region: This region includes river basins of Tou-Chien His, Hou-lung His, Ta-An His, Ta-Chia His, Ta-Tu His, and Cho-Shui Hsi. A bi-peak curve also presents in the graph which shows a maximum in June and a sub-max in August. Seasons of high water discharge and low water discharge are not so clear-cut as those in the south region, however, dry bed river can occassionally be found during the low water discharge season. 3. South region: It includes the area from south of Pei-Kang Hsi to the southern tip of the island. The graph also shows a bi-peak curve with August maximum substantially higher than the other. The amount of precipitation and the height of runoff are cIose to nill in winter. It is regarded as a typical dry bed river region. 4. East region: A mono-peak curve is found in this region. Precipetition and runoff are more evenly distributed than west-coastal area in the same latitude, however, summer maximum is still distinct. The characteristics of river basin in Taiwan are in close relation to the monsoon climate and to the effect of island's topography. The graph shows a summer high water discharge and a winter low water discharge with great difference between them. There generally shows two maxima in a graph with one occurring in June while the other in August. This type of river flow is considered to be suitable and beneficial to the agricultural and the economic development in Taiwan, part河川流域降水量逕流量臺灣臺灣的河川流域之降水量與逕流量形式Precipitation and Height of Runoff Patterns in Taiwan