楊聰榮Edwin Yang徐智俊Hsu, ChIh-Chun2019-08-282019-03-052019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060185023I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86166筆者印象中的香港生產許多膾炙人口的粵語影視作品,港式飲食也廣受喜愛,是常民文化活潑豐富的地區。但直到2006年首次發現,香港有客語人口,這讓長期關注、推動客家文化復興的筆者深感喜慰,故從2016年8月持續到香港從事田野調查,紀錄香港客家語言、文化活動現況。 香港在英國統治時代,以英語和廣府話為官方語言,其他的語言,在文化教育和傳播媒體都受到打壓,這使得原本在沙田、元朗、粉嶺和西貢,也就是新界地區,原本日常通行的客家話,呈現流失與凋零現象。 1997年主權移交中國以後,香港政府所實施的語文政策,使越來越多人使用普通話,這讓香港人出現了愛鄉愛土的本土意識,發起保護母語的討論,因此在2003年聯合國公布《保護非物質文化遺產公約》之後,隔年香港也跟著公布公約,整理並保護本土文化。2010年更出現了香港保育本土語言客家話及圍頭話的組織,此後也看到許多以客家為名的活動。最特別的事,在2016年的選舉中也看到候選人以客家文化做為選舉訴求。 本篇論文主旨在研究2007年至2017香港客家語言復振與客家文化復興的現象,利用訪談研究方法,從語言復振和常民文化的面向來釐清香港相關現象的成因與發展的脈絡,理解香港本土文化多元化的意涵。 筆者在撰寫論文期間適逢台灣還我母語運動三十年,對比從1988年開始台灣客家人積極復振客家語和復興客家文化,期待透過本研究能夠為港台的文化交流提出建議。Hong Kong has been appreciated to the worlds for her abundance and splendor from fabulous movies to fantastic gourmet. Therefore,I have been very surprised to spot Hong Kong Hakka since my first visit in 2006 because of my consistent interest and efforts to revive Hakka culture,.Consequently,I have investigated and recorded languages and cultural activities in Hong Kong since August,2016.Hakka language used to be thriving in Sha Tin,Yuen Long,Fanling and Sai Kung(namely New Territories) but it began to decay immensely right after 1970s' British ruling for adopting English and Cantonese as official languages .However,situations has been changing ever after transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997.With more and more mandarin using in daily life,Hong Kong people are considering localism and indigenousness to urge protecting native languages and preserving cultures , which were intensified by the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage treaty adopted by the UNESCO in 2003.Hong Kong also followed on the treaty in 2004 to preserve the heritages.In 2016's legislature bureau election, some candidates took Hakka language and identity as the appeals. In my thesis, mainly I focus my research on language and cultural revival of Hong Kong Hakka from 2007 to 2017. By interviewing some key people to comprehend context and clarify further plurality of localism.Hakka people in Taiwan have been striving for three decades since Returning My Mother Tongue protest in 1988. I am also looking forward to offering some suggestions to mutual exchange for Hong Kong and Taiwan.香港客家客語常民文化文化復興Hong KongHakkaHakka LanguageFolk CultureCultural Revival香港客家語言復振與客家文化復興(2007-2017)The Language and Cultural Revival of Hong Kong Hakka, 2007-2017