黃進龍Huang Chin-Lung陳怡安Chin Yi-An2020-12-102010-09-182020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595603116%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115151懷孕是成為母親的必經路程,經過妊娠與分娩,女人得以成為母親。而懷孕漫長的過程中,女人必須經歷身體的改變與不適,心靈上也受著極大的考驗。懷孕不只是考驗母親,分娩過程對於胎兒也是人生的第一項挑戰。通過產道這一關,母子得以在喜悅中相見,而後,哺育嬰兒又是下一門課題。筆者以「孕」為主題,以自我敘說的方式,將孕期歷程紀錄之後,加以分析,奠定創作的主題發展,「孕」不只是指新生命的誕生,也意指作品的產生。藉由「孕」,加深自我與孩子的鏈結,亦是對生命體悟之後所表達的敬意。Being pregnant is one of the essential ways for women to become mothers. Through the process of pregnancy and childbirth, women become mothers. However, during the long period of being pregnant, women have to suffer from not only physical changes and discomfort, but also enormous mental adjustments. While pregnancy testifies a woman's faith to be a mother, child delivering process is as well the first challenge for babies to confront in their lives. A baby struggling through its mother's birth canal, the mother and her child shall meet each other in joy. Since then, baby nurturing is another topic. The author took “Gestation” as a subject. She narrated herself, recorded and analyzed the whole pregnant period, which was developed into a subject for creation. “Gestation” means not only giving birth to a new life, but also generating creation works. Through “Gestation”, the link between the author and her child was intensified, and in addition, the author's respect toward life was expressed.母職母性懷孕孕育胎兒繪畫創作motherhoodmother naturepregnancygestationfetuspainting creation母體混沌—孕,由娠而子之繪畫創作研究Maternal Chaos—The Study of Painting Creation on Gestation,from Pregnancy to Birth.