陳麗宇Chen, Li-Yu張孝珠Jang Hyo Ju2022-06-082027-01-272022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4d7bb98b72db043438a144fc66d1af66/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116674華語在韓國早期即受到關注,時至今日,隨著韓國和華語地區之間經濟交流逐漸活躍,商務華語成為目前極受歡迎之專業華語。依此大環境之下,在華韓國企業及當地企業迫切需要具備華語能力且了解華人商務文化的專業人才。本研究目的在於編寫適合在華韓籍學習者之初級商務華語教材。為達成研究目標,筆者首先透過文獻探討,探討華語地區及韓國之商務華語與教材編寫設計相關研究,將此作為教材範例編寫原則及架構設計之基礎。其次,針對九種韓國現有職場交際主題之初級商務華語教材進行教材分析。接著,調查在華韓籍學習者對商務華語之需求,了解在華韓籍商務人士之華語使用現況,並分析常見之商務華語使用情境。最後,本研究以職場交際為主題實際編寫出一課完整範例,並且邀請七位韓籍學習者對教材進行評估。評估得分結果皆為高分,獲得正向評價,顯示本教材具有未來可以使用於教學之可行性。本研究的教材設計重視學習者交際能力之培養,對於口說能力訓練以及禮貌語言與商務禮儀結合進行教學,提出個人淺見與建議,期望為後續商務華語教材編寫及研究能有所幫助。It is known that Chinese has received great attention in Korea for a long time. In recent decades, as the economic exchanges between Korea and Chinese-speaking countries have been increasing year by year, business Chinese has grown to become the most popular category of Chinese for Specific Purpose in use in Korea. In this context, there is an increasingly need within Korean companies as well as local companies in Chinese-speaking countries for business professionals who not only speak Chinese fluently but also under-stand Chinese business culture.The purpose of this study is to design a basic business Chinese textbook for Korean learners who work in Chinese-speaking countries. Materials were first collected for a literature review related to business Chinese and teaching material design in Chinese-speaking countries and Korea. Secondly, general analysis was conducted on nine of the latest basic business Chinese textbooks published in Korea on the topic of workplace communication. Next, the needs of business Chinese learners were surveyed to outline the current situation of Chinese usage among Korean business people working abroad. Finally, based on the aforementioned literature review, textbook analysis and survey results, a chapter of the basic Business Chinese textbook for workplace communication was designed. 7 Korean learners were then invited to evaluate this chapter in the basic business Chinese textbook using the evaluative checklist for Chinese teaching materials by Shin, et al. (2017), and the results showed high evaluation for this textbook from all the 7 learners, demonstrating the feasibility of its instructional use in Korea.The textbook design in this study places special emphasis on improving learners' communication skills. Therefore, the researcher puts forth some personal opinions and suggestions on the training of Chinese speaking abilities and the teaching of polite language and business etiquette, and hopes this study will contribute to continuing efforts in business Chinese textbook design and research for Korean learners.初級商務華語韓籍商務人士教材設計交際能力Basic business Chinese textbookKorean business peopleMaterial designCommunication skills針對韓籍學習者之初級商務華語教材編寫設計─以職場交際為例A Design of a Basic Business Chinese Textbook for Korean Learners : Focusing on Workplace Communication學術論文