邱貴發陳祐禎2019-08-292013-7-112019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060008004E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92830本研究旨在設計一款針對國小三年級分數概念的學習遊戲,檢驗國小三年級生在使用分數遊戲學習分數的基本概念後,對分數的學習成效、分數學習態度及對遊戲教材設計滿意度之影響。 本研究採準實驗設計,研究對象為新北市某國小三年級生共50人,研究對象分成兩組,其中24人使用數位遊戲教材,另26人使用與遊戲組相同故事情境的數位繪本教材。研究工具有研究者設計的「芬紫與芬姆王國遊戲」、「芬紫與芬姆王國繪本」、自編學習單與自編態度問卷,自編學習成就測驗卷是參考康軒、部編版101年國小三年級數學領域測驗題庫與國小學童分數迷思概念編製而成。以兩組的前測、中測與後測成績差異來解釋學生的分數學習成效,並以態度問卷歸納學生對分數學習、遊戲教材與繪本教材的學習態度,實驗後再蒐集與老師及學生的訪談資料。 研究結果顯示,無論是遊戲組或繪本組在經過實驗處理之後,學習成就測驗都有顯著的進步,但兩組間並無顯著差異;而遊戲組學生給予芬紫與芬姆王國遊戲正向的回饋,且兩組對分數的學習也都持正向的態度。綜觀來說,學生與老師皆表示透過遊戲學習分數概念能產生積極且正向的趨勢。The purpose of this research was to develop a fraction game for third-graders, to examine the effects of game context on fraction learning performance, and to investigate students’ satisfaction and attitude toward the learning game. Quasi-experimental design was implemented. 50 students and 1 teacher participated in this study. A class with 24 students was assigned as the group using fraction game, and the other class with 26 students was assigned as the group using fraction e-picture book. Either group uses the fraction game or e-picture book for 4 weeks, and data were collected through learning sheets, fraction tests, questionnaires and teacher’s feedbacks. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, repeated t-test and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test were applied to analyze the data. The results indicated a significant improvement in students’ satisfaction, i.e. students could engage in the fraction game and glad to try the concepts of fraction they haven’t learned yet. Both groups have the significant improvement on the fraction test, but no significant between groups. To sum up, the fraction game is a usable system, and the fraction game demonstrated that learning fraction concepts through a game-context has the potential in mathematics education.遊戲情境學習遊戲分數學習學習態度game contextlearning gamefraction learninglearning attitude遊戲情境對國小學生分數學習的影響Effects of Game Context on Third-graders’ Fraction Learning