張蓓莉教授林妙2019-08-282006-1-152019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0591091218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91447本研究旨在探討國小聽障生家長對IEP的認知情形、近兩年參與子女IEP的實際經驗,以及不同背景之家長對IEP的認知、實際參與IEP經驗的差異情形,並比較有/無參與IEP經驗的國小聽障生家長對IEP的認知情形。 本研究以台北縣、市之國小聽障生家長為研究對象,採問卷調查方式,以自編之「國小聽障生家長參與個別化教育計畫之調查問卷」進行調查。問卷共寄出422份,回收260份,總回收率為61.6%,有效問卷為248份,有效回收率為58.8%。 分析有效回收問卷,本研究主要結論如下: 一、家長對IEP整體的認知介於部份瞭解與大部份瞭解之間。「完全瞭解」的家長約佔二成三,「大部份瞭解」的家長約佔二成六,「部份瞭解」的家長約佔¬二成九,「不瞭解」的家長約佔二成一。 二、近兩年56.5%的國小聽障生家長曾參與子女IEP,家長參與子女IEP的實際經驗傾向符合法定要求,其所參與IEP約三成六「完全符合」法定要求,約二成九「大部份符合」法定要求,約二成四「部份符合」法定要求,將近一成「不符合」法定要求。 三、國小聽障生家長對IEP的認知,會因為子女教育安置型態、有/無參與IEP經驗而有明顯差異。 四、國小聽障生家長對IEP的認知,不會因為性別、教育程度、子女就讀年級、子女優耳聽損程度的差異而有所不同。 五、不同性別、教育程度、子女就讀年級、子女優耳聽損程度與子女教育安置型態之國小聽障生家長,參與IEP的實際經驗均無顯著差異。The purpose of this study was to investigate the parent involvement in individualized education program (IEP) of students with hearing impairments at elementary school level. Parents having children with hearing impairments at elementary school level lived in Taipei City / County were subjects of this study. A self-developed questionnaire,” Questionnaire of Parent Involvement in Individualized Education Program of Students with Hearing Impairments at Elementary School Level,” was used to collect data. 422 copies of the questionnaires were sent out, 260 copies returned (return rate was 61.6%) and 248 copies were valid, the effective return rate was 58.8%. The major findings were as follow: 1. Parents’ knowledge on IEP was between partial understanding and most understanding. About 23% parents were fully understanding; 26% parents were most understanding;29% parents were partial understanding;21% parents were not understanding. 2. About 56.5% of parents have ever involved in IEP development in the past 2 years. Parents’ experience of developing IEP tends to meet regulatory requirements. About 36% parents were totally agreement; 29% parents were most agreement; 24% parents were partial agreement; 10% parents were not agreement. 3.There were significant differences between parents’ knowledge on IEP among children’s educational placements;as well as parents’ experiences of involvements. 4. There were no significant differences between parents’ knowledge on IEP among their gender、educational background、their children’s grade、children’s degree of hearing loss. 5. Parents’ experiences of involving IEP were no significant difference among gender, education background, children’s grade, children’s degree of hearing loss, and children’s educational placement.個別化教育計畫家長參與國小聽障生IEPparent involvementhearing impairment國小聽障生家長參與個別化教育計畫之調查研究