王震哲廖培鈞Wang, Jenn-CheLiao, Pei-Chun楊智凱Yang, Chih-Kai2020-10-192022-08-232020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0899430020%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111553無中文摘要Fagaceae Dumort. comprises 8 genera and about 927 species, widely distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. The Fagaceae are one of the most important family in Taiwanese forest habitats, ranging from low elevation to high mountain altitudes. Castanopsis, Fagus, Lithocarpus and Quercus are distributed across Taiwan. Due to the morphological similarities among several taxa, species identification was difficult task in past. Because of these difficulties, it has been found that large reference collections in Japan, China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, United Kingdom, and Russia need revision. Questions and/or hypothesis: I carried out a taxonomic revision of the genus and species of Fagaceae in Taiwan. I determined how many and which taxa are distributed in Taiwan. I also present a morphological description, epidermal morphology, pollen morphology, geographical distribution, ecological characters and Proposed IUCN conservation status and specimens examined of each taxa. Method: I collected herbarium specimens, made field observations, and reviewed herbarium specimens and image data of Fagaceae at A, BM, FJSI, HAST, HIB, HK, K, L, LE, TAI, TAIF, TCF, TI, TNM, TNS, TNU, MBK, MO, NTUF, NY, PE, PH, PPI, UPS and ZJFC. I checked taxonomic literature and protologues of each species. In addition, I revised the taxa based on the morphology, epidermal morphology, pollen morphology and phytogeographical patterns of Fagaceae in Taiwan. Results: For the first time, leaf epidermal morphology of 44 taxa in the Fagaceae family in Taiwan has been examined and illustrated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Trichomes are the main distinguishing character of the leaf epidermis. This work describes the pollen morphology of 44 taxa of the Fagaceae in Taiwan. The pollen grains were all examined through scanning electron microscopy of non-acetolysed material. Pollen grains of the family are single, radially symmetrical, oblate-spheroidal, subprolate, prolate, or perprolate, 14-45 × 7-45 μm in size and tricolpate or tricolporoidate. The distribution of 44 Fagaceae species can be classified into six major regions and five altitude zone. The largest grouping is the southwest 32 species and central-west 29 species. The highest Fagaceae species richness was found in submontane zone 41 species and lowest one was in subalpine zone one species. I identified 10 species of the genus Castanopsis, one species of Fagus, 14 of Lithocarpus, and 19 of Quercus. A population of Quercus acutissima Carruth. was recorded for the first time in central Taiwan. To stabilize the taxonomy of the family, lectotypes for taxa are herein designated for Castanopsis (6 species and 1 varieties), Lithocarpus (11 species), and Quercus (5 species). The species Quercus myrsinifolia Blume was confirmed to not be distributed in Taiwan. I present the morphological description, phenology, geographical distribution, vegetation ecology, conservation status, and a dichotomous key for genera and species identification. Photographs of the species are also included. Conclusions: This study shows that leaf epidermal micromorphological characteristics provide useful information on the Fagaceae and can be used to revise taxa. Overall, pollen morphology was found to not be useful in assessing taxonomic classification of the species, but can be a useful and important informative tool for differentiating between species belonging to the same genus in Fagaceae. Combining these results, I identified and described 44 Fagaceae taxa in Taiwan.FagaceaeLectotypificationTaiwanTaxonomyLeaf epidermisPollen grainsNew recordedScanning electron microscopyFagaceaeLectotypificationTaiwanTaxonomyLeaf epidermisPollen grainsNew recordedScanning electron microscopy臺灣殼斗科植物分類研究Taxonomy of Fagaceae in Taiwan