甄曉蘭Hsiao-Lan Chen金毓翎Yiu-Ling Jin2019-08-282007-8-12019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692000244%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90045本研究旨在探討得勝課程教師信念及教學實踐。本研究採用質性研究,進行為期五個月實徵資料的蒐集與分析,資料來源包括訪談、教室觀察,以及相關文件等。以期對兩位得勝課程師之信念及教學實踐能有整體的瞭解。 本研究依研究發現歸納出如下: 一、得勝課程教師信念形塑因素方面 (一)「宗教信仰」是形塑得勝課程教師信念的主要因素 (二)個人教育因素有助於引導得勝課程教師信念 (三)環境因素有助於得勝課程教師信念修正 二、得勝課程教師信念與教學實踐 (一)得勝課程教師信念與教學實踐呈現一致性 (二)得勝課程教師信念經由界定、過濾與判斷影響了教學實踐 (三)每一項教學實踐反映多項得勝課程教師信念 三、影響得勝課程教師信念付諸實踐的因素 (一)得勝課程教師信念的實踐受到個人心力與外在環境的挑戰 (二)外在環境的彈性與支持間接協助了得勝課程教師信念的實踐 (三)宗教信仰是得勝課程教師信念實踐的主要助力This study was aimed to explore Champion Curriculum teachers’ beliefs and to discuss how teacher’s beliefs influenced their classroom practice. Qualitative methods such as interview, classroom observation, and documents analysis were applied to capture a holistic understanding of two Champion Curriculum teachers’ beliefs and practice. The research findings are as followed: 1.The Champion Curriculum teachers’ beliefs are shaped by belief in Christianity, personal education background, and external factors. Especially their teacher beliefs are mainly influenced and formed by personal belief in Christianity. 2.The relationship between teacher beliefs and teaching practice of the Champion Curriculum teachers is closely related. Teaching practices reflect their beliefs two participating teachers’ beliefs through the defining, filtering, and judging process of personal perspective of teaching and learning. 3. The factors influence Champion Curriculum teachers’ beliefs and the teaching practice include both internal and external challenges and supports such as belief in Christianity, flexibility of the Champion Curriculum, feedback from students, limited teaching hours, and support of the school.教師信念教學實踐得勝課程教師teacher beliefsteaching practiceChampion Curriculum Teachers得勝課程教師信念與教學實踐之研究A study on teacher beliefs and teaching practice of the Champion Curriculum Teachers