李奭學Li, Sher-Shiueh杜欣欣Tu, Hsin-Hsin2019-09-032015-12-072019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0895250032%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95974索隱派乃清初在華耶穌會士中的特殊群體,成員清一色為法國籍,並擅以類比手法力主《舊約》與中國古經同出一源。長期以來,索隱派研究始終難以令人信服,在禮儀之爭背景下,西方傳教士大力反對索隱派,唯恐過度類比將危及天主教的神聖地位。同樣的,如今出於文化主體的尊重與維護,索隱派作法幾乎難躲東方主義之議論。近年來索隱派相關研究甚豐,然而從其翻譯作品切入者,數量仍相當有限。索隱派的翻譯果真一無價值?從認識論角度來說,文化類比與挪用本乃一種理解與翻譯,過度堅持「源出」、「本意」與「特殊性」,是否會導向一種文化相對主義與不可譯 (untranslatability)?在維護文化主體的同時,是否也能開放自己,參與各種可能對話?索隱派作品有其歷史性,為中西文化事業留下筆筆深邃斧鑿,馬若瑟 (Joseph de Prémare, 1666-1736) 作品又以其多產與漢學造詣蔚為奇觀,譯者居間身分與文化跨度同樣值得重視,似不宜以「附會」一意駁之。杜赫德編輯的《中國通誌》出版於1735年,馬若瑟八首《詩經》譯文即收錄其中。本論文擬以法文《聖經》與朱熹《詩集傳》為輔閱讀譯本,並以馬氏作品為參照交證譯文所托。期在通過譯文細讀了解明末清初之際馬氏如何溝通天儒文化,及其學思背後的西方古典翻譯傳承,並在翻譯史上給予其新的定位。Abstract “Figurism” is the term that refers to the work of a group of French Jesuits working in China in the early 18th century during the Qing Dynasty. Amid the heat of the Rites Controversy, these Jesuits sought to negotiate cultural and religious differences by bringing together the biblical world and the Chinese classics. Their claim that traces of biblical teachings were found in these ancient works serves as a justification for their seemingly unfathomable interpretation of the Chinese Kings (Five classics) and thus has drawn little academic attention over the subsequent centuries. However, in recent years the academic atmosphere has changed and some major works have been published on the French figurists. Most of these works focus on these French Jesuits’ thought and shed light on the intricacy of their works, but their translation, which is in fact an allegorical reading, is often ignored. This study will center on Prémare’s figurist approach to rendering the Shi King and will argue that his translation project derives from a genuine appreciation of Chinese literature. In effect, his employment of cultural analogy and appropriation reflects the essence of epistemology, which determines how we understand the world. Prémare’s selection and rending of eight odes, published in 1735 in Description de la Chine edited by Jean-Baptiste Du Halde, is an engagement in cultural dialogue in a specific historical context. As a prolific writer in Latin, French, and Chinese, Prémare’s role as a mediator, his training in Western classical rhetoric, and his reading of Chinese classics all deserve more attention. This dissertation will use Zhu Xi’s commentary on the Shi King, the French Bible, and Prémare’s other works for reference. The aim of this research is to offer a more objective perspective on Prémare’s figurative rendition of the Shi King in a bid to understand his approach in mediating Christianity and Confucianism, to reflect his inheritance of how translation was viewed in Classical Antiquity,and last but not least to acknowledge his achievement in translation history.索隱派詩經馬若瑟翻譯寓言解讀figurismthe Shi KingJoseph de Prémaretranslationallegorical interpretation探賾索隱,鉤深致遠:論馬若瑟法譯《詩經》八首“A Figurist at Work”: Joseph de Prémare’s Selective Translations of The Book of Odes