張蓓莉Chang, Bey-Lin黃詩婷Huang, Shih-Ting2019-08-282017-08-232019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060009010E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91461本研究邀請一名腦性麻痺大學生(SN),以深度訪談方式探討他從小至今在融合教育中的學習經驗。主要發現如下: SN所讀的學校幾乎都提供了無障礙物理環境,教師們提供了特殊教育相關服務與措施。SN雖在書寫及行動方面有部分限制,但他覺得他的特殊需求皆被滿足。大學階段他使用筆電和代步車,降低不少特殊需求程度。SN在人際互動上較為被動、不會主動經營人際關係,與同學關係較為疏離、歸屬感較低。他不太接納自己的腦性麻痺狀況,以致形成自卑心理、不切實際的價值觀,並以追求課業表現平衡自卑感。在大學階段,他覺察並理解自己價值觀不正確,進而接納自己的障礙生命。 本研究根據研究結果、限制及研究省思,提出相關建議,供未來推動融合教育之參考。A college student with cerebral palsy (SN) was invited to be a participant in this study. The depth interview was used to explore his learning experience in general schools from preschool to college. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The schools that SN attended almost provided accessible physical environments, and teachers provided special education related services. SN had partial restrictions on writing and walking, but he felt that his special needs were almost met. By using laptop and electric wheelchair in college, his special needs were reduced. 2. SN had less interaction with classmates, and he did not know how to initiate interpersonal relationships actively. He was alienated from classmates, and the sense of belonging was lower when he was in high school and college. 3. SN did not accept his cerebral palsy, and he was inferiority, and had unrealistic values. He used his outstanding academic performances to compensate for his inferiority. In college, he perceived and realized that his values were not realistic, and then start to his life with cerebral palsy. Based on the findings, discussions and suggestions as a basis for offering a series of recommendations for inclusive education.腦性麻痺大學生融合教育學習經驗college studentcerebral palsyinclusive educationlearning experiences一位腦性麻痺大學生回溯融合教育的學習經驗A Retrospective Study on Learning Experience of a College Student with Cerebral Palsy in Inclusive Education