陳李綢駱郁萱2019-08-282013-7-112019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099A02110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88947  本研究旨在探討國中生的認知風格、後設認知能力與創造行為之間的關係。主要目的在於了解不同認知風格類型之國中生在後設認知能力、創造性行為的差異性以及不同後設認知能力在創造行為的差異性;另探討國中生認知風格、後設認知能力與創造行為的關連性,並進一步分析國中生認知風格、後設認知能力對創造行為的預測情形。   本研究採「問卷調查法」,以656名臺北市國中生為研究對象,並使用「認知風格量表」、「後設認知能力量表」、「創造性行為量表」等調查工具。所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定、相關分析、逐步迴歸分析等統計方法來進行資料處理,綜合整個研究結果,本研究的結果分項概述如下: 一、不同認知風格的國中生,其後設認知能力及創造行為有顯著差異。 二、不同後設認知能力的國中生,其創造行為有顯著差異。 三、認知風格、後設認知能力與創造行為之間存在相關。認知風格與後設認知能力之間存在相關。 四、認知風格及後設認知能力對創造行為具有預測作用。   本研究結果可提供教學上與未來研究上參考。  The aims of this theis is to explore the differences of metacognitive ability and creative behavior between different cognitive style of junior high school students and the differences of creative behavior between different metacognitive ability. Investigate the relationships of the cognitive style, metacognitive ability and creative behavior of the junior high school students. Furthermore, this research aims to analyze cognitive style and metacognitive ability to predict creative behavior.   In this study, we survey 656 junior high school students from Taipei City with “the Inventory of Junior High School Students Cognitive Style”, “the Inventory of Junior High School Students Metacognitive Ability”, and “the Inventory of Creative behavior. All results were analyzed by statistical methods such as independent sample t-test, correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis, the research results can be concluded as follows: 1. Different cognitive styles in metacognitive ability and creative behavior were significantly different. 2. Different metacognitive ability in creative behavior were significantly different. 3. The correlations were existed between cognitive style, metacognitive ability and creative behavior. The correlation was existed between cognitive style and metacognitive ability. 4. Cognitive style and metacognitive ability could significantly predict creative behavior.   We found that the results of this study could be provided as a reference for teaching and future research.認知風格後設認知能力創造行為cognitive stylemetacognitive abilitycreative behavior臺北市國中生認知風格、後設認知能力與創造行為之關係研究