王永慈莊婷婷2019-08-282013-8-52019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN6993800083%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86087本研究目的旨在瞭解:(一)老年人之休閒活動參與狀況。(二)老年人在休閒參與與否、休閒參與類型以及休閒活動類型數上是否有社會階層化之現象。(三)影響老年人在參與「觀賞類」、「個人嗜好類」、「運動健身類」、以及「社交類」四種休閒參與類型之因素。(四)期待根據相關研究結果提出適切性的服務,做為推動老年人參與休閒活動之參考。 本研究採用次級資料分析,以2007年所進行的「高齡社會的來臨:為2025年的台灣社會規劃之整合研究─不同世代對於老年生活的需求、服務提供以及價值偏好之調查研究」所蒐集到的資料進行分析,以年滿65歲的老年人為研究對象。依據本研究目的,以描述性分析、二元迴歸分析以及階層迴歸檢驗之。 研究結果如下: 壹、研究結果發現有將近九成的老年人有參與休閒活動。 貳、老年人的休閒參與與否會受到個人變項中非正式社會支持程度的影響,而扣除「看電視、聽收/錄音機」後,老年人的休閒參與與否會受到婚姻狀況、宗教信仰、體能狀況、憂鬱程度、非正式社會支持程度、教育程度以及是否會開(騎)車之影響。 參、觀賞類不會受到個人變項、社經地位變項以及社區環境變項的影響,但扣除「看電視、聽收/錄音機」後,觀賞類中的「觀賞音樂劇或歌劇(含歌仔戲、平劇)等」會受到教育程度以及居住地區的影響。 肆、個人嗜好類會受到婚姻狀況、自評健康狀況、體能狀況、非正式社會支持程度、教育程度的影響。 伍、運動健身類會受到居住安排、憂鬱程度以及教育程度的影響。 陸、社交類會受到宗教信仰、體能狀況、憂鬱程度、非正式社會支持程度、教育程度的影響。 柒、在參與類型數上,發現自評健康狀況、體能狀況、憂鬱程度、非正式社會支持程度、教育程度以及是否會開(騎)車會影響老年人在休閒類型數的參與狀況。The purpose of this study is to explore (a) participation of leisure activities among the elderly, (b) whether socioeconomic status affects the elderly in participation of leisure, leisure categories and numbers of leisure categories, (c) related factors of the elderly to participate four types of leisure activities, and (d) providing suggestions for social work practice and social policy. This study used secondary data analysis, and the database was “The coming of an aging society: for the 2025 Taiwan Social Planning Integration”. Respondents were people aged 65 or over. According to the study purpose, I used descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression, and hierarchical regression. The results are as follow: (a) There is almost 90% of elderly participating leisure activities. (b) Informal social support affects leisure participation. Deleting one type of leisure activity─”watch TV, and listen to radio”, leisure participation are affected by marital status, religion, physical capability, depression, informal social support, level of education, and ability to drive. (c) No significant variables affect“watch TV, and listen to radio”and “appreciating musical opera”. Deleting one type of leisure activity─”watch TV, and listen to radio”, “appreciating musical opera” are affected by level of education and location of residence. (d) “Hobbies “are affected by marital status, self-assessed health, physical capability, informal social support and level of education. (e) “Sports “are affected by location of residence, depression and level of education. (f) “Social activities “are affected by religion, physical capability, depression, informal social support and level of education. (g) Numbers of leisure categories are affected by self-assessed health, physical capability, depression, informal social support, level of education and ability to drive.老年人休閒活動影響休閒參與因素the elderlyleisure activitiesrelated factors臺灣地區老年人參與休閒活動狀況與影響因素之探討Investigating Participation of Leisure Activities and Related Factors among the Elderly in Taiwan.