國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所吳可久林佳蓉陳泓均柯皓仁2015-09-032015-09-032014-04-010363-3640http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74314國小學童資訊尋求行為、語文及圖項認知能力均與成人有極大差異。然而網路科技快速發展,針對數位時代兒童,極需發展客製化資訊收尋介面來協助兒童利用數位資料庫學習。本研就針對兒童在虛擬空間電腦遊戲時易著重將實體經驗導入之現象,連結兒童之空間尋路及資訊搜尋行為之概念,設計並驗證一個空間圖示資訊搜尋介面。該介面利用電腦科技塑造3D虛擬空間,並結合圖符(Icon)與學習資料庫,將圖福安至於3D虛擬空間,讓兒童探索及並搜尋資訊。研究並針對兒童在二度平面圖像超連結(GH)、三度空間延伸式俯瞰(ES)、三度空間延伸式路徑(ER),之使用效率、有效性、操作次數,以單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)進行檢定。發現兒童在各種介面中表現不同行為,而提供兒童綜關知識領域全局之介面將有利於兒童搜尋資訊。研究建議資訊視覺化(Information Visualization)、概念關聯(Concept Association)可導入兒童資訊搜尋介面設計未來研究In this age of information technology, children must develop the ability to search digital databases. However, the information-seeking behavior and cognitive abilities associated with language and images differ substantially between children and adults. Therefore there is an urgent need for an information-searching interface customized for children. Drawing on the design of computer games, we created a three-dimensional (3D) human-computer interface (HCI). Children’s experience playing computer games can therefore inform way-finding and information-seeking behavior in this spatially-oriented interface. Three types of HCI were developed: a 2D graphic hyperlink (GH), a 3D extended survey (ES), and a 3D extended route (ER). These were tested for efficiency, effectiveness, and time of operation by one-way analysis of variance. Our results indicated that children behave differently on the various interfaces. The proposed HCI is a helpful tool offering children a knowledge map that enables them to search for the information they need. Our results demonstrate that information visualization theory and concept association are topics worthy of further study in the development of a child-oriented information-seeking interface.人機介面導航尋路行為兒童空間認知HCINavigationWay findingChildren spatial cognitive兒童數位學習資料庫之空間圖示資訊搜尋介面設計The Information Seeking Interface with Spatial Icons for the Children Digital-learning Database