國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系王健華2014-10-302014-10-302011-10-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36466本計畫針對國中學生課後輔導之需求,家長迫切需要了解學生即時學習狀況,以及傳統課後輔導無 法對家長提供即時學習狀況分析,又無法針對學生弱點提供適性補救練習等問題,發展「線上學習 成就診斷、分析與適性補救練習平台」,並建制單元實驗性題庫,以實證研究的方法驗證此一系統的 效果。此一線上平台包括一個題庫模組、一個單元測驗模組、一個學習狀況分析模組、一個弱點分 析模組、以及一個適性反覆練習模組。此一系統除適用於國中課後輔導外,所研發之模組可依不同 的需求進行客製化,以增進產品之附加價值。潛在客戶包括府教育主管機關、各級公私立學校、補 習班、出版商、學生家長與教師,甚至可能適用於有大量員工教育訓練需求的民間企業。初步評估, 一旦建立經過驗證確實有效的核心模組,並具備複製相同成效所需的關鍵能力,本專案成果無論在 B2B、B2C、C2C 的發展都將具可觀的銷售機會。研究供獻包括在學術面可深入了解「線上適性反 覆練習」的效果以及家長與學生對「適性反覆練習」的意見與需求;在產業面則可藉由本合作案提 昇業者開發數位學習工具的理論基礎。After class remedial learning is normal for junior highs in Taiwan. However, the problems occur that after cream learning neither provides students with adaptive remediation, nor provides parents with children’s current learning performance. This project intends to solve above problems by developing an “online learning performance analyses and adaptive remediation with repetitive drills system”. Such a system includes an item pool database, a testing interface, a learning performance analyzing module, a learning weak-point diagnostic system, and an adaptive repetitive drills system. This system is designed to be customable, therefore the applications of this online system are not limited in junior high schools, but also other levels of educational institutes, cream schools, educational material publishers, and even, larger corporations with training department. Finally, this system may also be value-added in B2B, B2C, and C2C environments.反覆練習補救教學學習過程監測drill and practiceafter class remediationlearning process monitoring產學合作計畫-線上單元學習狀況分析與適性反覆練習系統開發之研究A Study on the Development of an Online Learning Condition Analysis and Adaptive Repeatitive Drill System