林東泰Lin, Tung-tai吳仁裕Wu, Jen-Yu2019-08-282012-7-112019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698370055%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85244父系霸權一直是宰制著當前社會結構的主要力量,而女性在這結構之下,往往在無形與有形中受到壓抑,而運動領域更是一個由男性所主宰的場域,女性在這之中被視為是旁觀者,並非主動參與者,但事實上女性參與運動大有人在,且人數上甚至逐漸追上男性,亦能在運動場上嶄露頭角。 當女性在運動場域中的能見度逐漸提升時,媒體對於這樣的現象會採取如何的報導框架,是否能忠實呈現女性的成就,或者仍扮演著傳遞傳統文化的角色,繼續鞏固父系霸權並將其再製於運動場域,因此本研究將採取Fairclough所提出之批判話語分析,做為分析取逕,從單一社會事件的新聞再現,到再現背後的社會結構,做一個完整的構聯,而本研究所選擇的文本則是女性網球選手賽事的報導,並針對2011年網球四大賽事(澳網、法網、溫布敦、美網)進行分析。 分析的結果發現,媒體對女性網球選手的報導,仍多以父系霸權的價值框架進行詮釋,並在媒體的話語平台中享有話語權,而女性自主意識的話語秩序仍然受到父系霸權的宰制,可知當前的社會結構仍然是以男性為主導,而運動領域也不例外,既使女性在各個領域中有突出的表現,但媒體的報導仍然是服膺於傳統父系霸權,女性在當前社會各領域雖然都有傑出的表現,但總是鳳毛麟角尚不足以撼動整體父系霸權的社會結構。希望透過本研究能讓從事體育相關的媒體從業人員體認到,女性運動員不應受至於父系霸權的報導框架,應著重在運動賽事上的報導,而非女性運動員的外貌、家庭、感情等。Patriarchal hegemony has always been the dominant power in the society, which affects women in different ways and aspects. However, the sport is considered to be a male domain, women are seen as spectators instead of participants under the Patriarchal hegemony. As a matter of fact women incrementally participate in the sports events, and they earned the reputation and gain the attention from the society nowadays. The aim of this thesis is to uncover the Media represent woman through the power of patriarchal hegemony so as to articulate the deep social structure of society. Therefore this thesis adopted the approach of Critical Discourse Analysis, which analyze the text from micro to macro perspective, and was proposed by Norman Fairclough. This thesis analyzes from the representation of social events to the articulation of social structure in the news report of female athletes in order to uncover the representation of patriarchal hegemony on the media. The text of this research is the news report of female tennis play during four major tennis events in 2011 which including Australia open, French open, Wimbledon, and US open. The finding of this research is that women were framed by the stereotype of patriarchal hegemony. Even though different orders of discourses were competing in the media, the dominant power of order of discourse is still patriarchal hegemony. Under the current social structure, male is still invested with the power to dominate the society, and women have to be dominated by the male. Nevertheless, today few women are outperformed men in every field, but it still considered to be a small proportion in the society, and it cannot affect the whole structure, the male dominated structure, of the society. This thesis hope that the sports relevant media will start to notice the Patriarchal hegemony in the reporting of female athletes, and to focus on the sports itself rather than the body attraction, family, romance, and some trivial stuff of female players.父系霸權女性運動員批判話語分析patriarchal hegemonyfemale athletescritical discourse analysis女性運動員之批判話語分析Critical Discourse Analysis on the Female Tennis Players in the Taiwanese Newspaper.