陳杏容Chen, Hsing-Jung卓玉涵ZHUO, Yu Han2024-12-172024-01-172024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/bd7da3eb2ca73d504547f8df87057177/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122167精神服務在後現代思潮的推動下,開展以優勢為基礎方法的助人工作,並呈現多元且在地化的樣貌。其中,助人工作者不僅扮演著重要的橋梁,其秉持的信念、價值、思考與行動,將影響服務輸出的質量。亦能於與精神康復者生命交會之際,促進彼此正向的影響與成長。故本研究關注助人工作者的主觀經驗,探究助人工作者運用優勢為基礎方法於精神服務領域的實務現況,以及於助人過程中與精神康復者互惠成長的經驗及歷程。本研究運用質性研究,採立意為主與滾雪球為輔的抽樣方法,邀請10位於在精神服務領域工作滿三年(含)以上,採以優勢為基礎方法進行社會工作的助人工作者進行一對一的深度訪談,瞭解其投入與精神康復者工作的互惠經驗。研究發現如下:以優勢為基礎方法就像是一趟動態的學習旅程,在條件上並不侷限於受過完整優點模式訓練的助人工作者,而更倚賴助人工作者主體的學習與增聞;儘管個人富有學理的知識,但更著重於助人工作者的主體參與意願希望感,並需借助個人在投入過程中的覺察與省思力,透過做中學、學中做的過程中,帶動專業知能的昇華。互惠經驗發生的關鍵在於助人工作者採以優勢為基礎方法的行動。儘管一路就像是一趟循環辯證的征途,透過生命影響生命,與系統共同合作,在個人、關係與系統層面分別著力,助人工作者也在堅持實踐與相互照映下,為精神康復者、專業關係,以及助人工作者帶來的正向的收穫。而縱使在實務現場仍面臨結構層面、專業實務層面以及與人工作層面的挑戰,助人工作者仍提出可以從助人工作者的裝備、機構組織的建構、政策規劃的方向加以推動,以促進互惠經驗的發生。研究者依據研究結果,從精神復健服務面、機構組織面、助人工作面、後續研究的方向,提出研究建議。The helping professions, driven by postmodern thinking, have developed a strengths-based approach to helping people, taking on a diverse and localized appearance. Among them, helping professionals not only play an important role in bridging the gap, but also influence the quality of service through their beliefs, values, thinking and actions. At the same time, they can also promote positive influence and growth of each other when they meet with recovery from psychiatric disability in their lives. Hence, this study focuses on the subjective experience of helping professionals, and explores the current practices adopted among helping professionals in utilizing the strengths-based approach in the field of helping services, as well as their experiences of reciprocal growth with recovery from psychiatric disability in the process of helping people.This study utilized qualitative research with Purposive Sampling as the primary method and Snowball Sampling as the secondary method. Ten helping professionals with at least three years of work experience were invited to conduct one-on-one in-depth interviews to understand their reciprocal experiences of working with recovery from psychiatric disability using a strengths-based approach to social work. The findings of the study are as follows:The strengths-based approach is like a dynamic learning journey. In terms of conditions, it is not limited to helping professionals who are fully trained with a strengths-based model, but relies more on helping professionals' active learning and enrichment. Although the individual is rich in theoretical knowledge, the emphasis is more on the willingness and hopefulness of the helping professional to participate in the process, and the need to utilize the individual's awareness and introspection in the process of engagement. Through the process of learning by doing and doing by learning, professional knowledge can be elevated. It is the strengths-based approach adopted by helping professionals that is the key to a successful reciprocal experience. The whole process is just like a journey of circular dialectic. By influencing lives through lives as well as working with systems and working at the individual, relational and systemic levels, helping professionals bring positive benefits to the recovery from psychiatric disability, the professional relationship, and the helping professional himself/herself through persistent practice and mutual illumination. Even though challenges are still faced at the structural, professional, and interpersonal levels in the field, helping professionals suggest that improvements can be made to their equipment, organizational structure, and policy planning in order to facilitate the occurrence of reciprocal experiences.Following the findings of the study, the researcher proposed the direction of the study in terms of organizational aspects of the organization, the work of helping people, and the direction of the follow-up study.以優勢為基礎方法助人 關係精神康復者互惠經驗strengths-based approachhelping relationshipsrecovery from psychiatric disabilityreciprocal experiences共伴共行,互為彼此的光─精神服務領域助人工作者的互惠經驗Accompany each other, illuminate each other─The reciprocal experience of helping professions in mental health services學術論文