國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系林弘昌2014-10-302014-10-302011-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36365地球的天然資源有限,長久以來人們為了獲取能源而燃燒化石燃料,過程中所排放 的溫室氣體形成了所謂的「溫室效應」,使得地球表面的溫度日益升高,對於氣候的影 響甚鉅。因此,世界各國紛紛採取各項行動以及簽訂限制溫室氣體排放的協議或公約, 以期減少溫室氣體的排放,進而降低全球氣候變遷之威脅。為了珍惜地球有限的天然資 源以及減緩全球暖化的趨勢,實在有必要從小培養孩子正確節約能源的觀念及作法。 本計畫參考了教育部六大科學教育學習網的內容,擷取其中與節能減碳相關之科技 知識,並進一步著手規劃營隊的形式與活動內容。目前所規畫的主要學習活動包括了專 題講座、線上學習、DIY 動手做活動、競賽活動以及闖關活動等。希望透過本活動之進 行,引導學生省思科技對於環境所造成的影響、學習節能減碳的相關知識和實際的作 法,以落實節約能源、愛惜地球資源的目標。Emissions of greenhouse gases have been, and continue to be, driven by economic growth; yet stabilization of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere is feasible and consistent with continued growth, and it has led to the worldwide climate change, which threatens the basic elements of life for people around the world — access to water, food production, health, and use of land and the environment. According to Stern’s review, if we start to take strong action now, it would already be very difficult and costly to save the earth. However, if we delay, the opportunity may slip away. This proposal adopts the contents regarding energy-saving technologies on the Six Main-Course learning website to design informal class activities and lessons for 5/6 grade students. Those activities include lecture and discussion, online learning, hands-on assignments, competition and games. The purposes of the proposal are to provide opportunities for students to understand the impact that technologies have brought to us, and to learn the energy-saving technologies that he/she can apply in their daily-life to avoid the worst impact of the global warming.科技教育能源教育能源素養專題式學習Technology EducationEnergy EducationEnergy LiteracyProject-based Learning科普活動---保護地球∼Yes, We Can---2011節能減碳科技體驗營Energy Saving Technology Camp 2011