蘇憲法羅淑芬2020-12-102012-8-82020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096603101%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114968本創作研究從榮格的集體潛意識談起,分析兩性的習性與特質,和因特質不同而發展出來的不同行為模式,在原型中探討男人、女人潛在的自我認同,繼之,透過拉岡的鏡像階段來探討性別何以形成主從關係。 心靈是自我的主體,也是理性與權力散佈的場域;但是當身體成為歷史、知識、權力演變的交會地點時,身體便取代心靈而成為主體。女性身體是心靈與身體的共同載體,「權力慾望與性別演義」以女性主體的社會角色和生活面向做為研究的出發點,探討男性凝視如何影響女性的自我認同,女性又如何在男性凝視下求取男性的認同,甚至是將男性的凝視當成普世價值。在創作「父權觀照下的女性圖像」中,更透過圖像來解讀男性眼中的女性,和女性如何因應男性觀看的眼光。 女性在維護家庭和諧和繼起宗族生命上扮演著不可替代的角色,因此要在充斥父權價值觀的環境中求生存,呼籲男性能尊重女性,並做到「兩性平等,多元尊重」的要求。 本創作研究以後現代手法組構畫面,將相關的物件組合在一起,使它呈現主次關係,在色彩重新編排下,畫面容易傳達故事性內容。有時挪用前人巨作,使新作獲得舊作的養分,有時批判前人的觀點,這樣的手法讓畫作更具有閱讀性。This research is an analysis of the habits and the characteristics of the both sexes and the different mode of behaviors developed due to the difference of characteristics on the basis of Karl G. Jung’s “the Collective Unconscious”. By seeing through the archetypes, male and female potential self-approvals can be discussed. On top of that, we discuss how the female obedience to male has been formed with Lacan’s “Mirror Stage”. Our minds, which are the subjects of our egos, is where rationality and authority are distributed; however, when our bodies become where paths of history, knowledge and succession of authority meet, “body” will take the place of “mind”. Female bodies are where “mind” and “body” are loaded. Under the title “Authority, Desire, and History of Sex”, I discuss how male gazes influence on female self-approval, how females ask for male acclaims under male gazes, which are looked on as universal values. To decipher the females in males, to read female responses to male views, I did creations of “Females under Patriarchal Contemplation”. When it comes to keeping family in harmony and passing on genes, female plays an important role. As a result, I call for the respect from male to female and sexual equivalence in this patriarchal society. This research is based on postmodernist image structures, connecting related objects. As a result, through its own order and rearrangement of colors, the stories of images can be easily conveyed. Sometimes using old masterpieces to flourish new works ; sometimes criticizing archaic viewpoints to make pictures more readable.慾望女性身體裸像凝視物化後現代desirefemale bodynudegazeobjectificationpost-modern權力慾望性別演義-父權觀照下的女性圖像之創作研究