國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系黃淑貞盧俊吉洪文綺邱雅莉2014-12-022014-12-022009-12-012070-1063http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39899本研究目的在探討環境因素和社會支持對都市地區國小五、六年級學童身體活動之相關情形。研究者在台北市五行政區各隨機抽取一所國小之五年級與六年級學校296位學童,收集學童下課、放學及假日身體活動的強度、頻率、時間和及社會支持因素,並由家長處收集住家附近的環境因素。資料分析採描述性統計、變異數分析和複迴歸。結果發現:女學童從事較多輕度活動,男學童從事較多重度活動,在中度活動上則沒有顯著性別差異。當住家附近之交通環境較不繁忙,街道安全度高,且犯罪情形低,又加上有家人和老師陪伴一起活動時,國小學童較會從事輕度身體活動;當活動場所容易接近時,學童較從事中度身體活動;當活動場所較容易接近,以及有老師一起活動時,國小學童從事較多重度身體活動。建議政府暗和學校在推廣身體活動的策略或規劃上,應考量環境及社會支持因素。This study aimed to investigate the relationship of environment and social support on physical activity of fifth and sixth grade primary schoolchildren in urban area. Two hundred and ninety-six fifth and sixth grade school students from five elementary schools in Taipei City were recruited to participate in this study among them 208 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The contents of the questionnaire included the frequency, intensity and duration of their physical activity as well as social support received from their family, friends and teachers. Data of the perceived environment were collected from their care-takers. Besides descriptive analysis, Analysis of Variance, and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Physical activities of different intensity level were analyzed separately. It was found that girls engaged in more light activities and boys engaged in more vigorous activities; however, there was no difference in moderate activities between genders. With light traffic, safe street, and lower crime rate in the neighborhood and company from family and teachers, school students tended to engage in light physical activity. With better sport accessibility, school students tended to engage in more moderate physical activity. With better sport ccessibility, and company from teachers school students tended to engage in more heavy physical activity. The government and the schools need to take the environmental and social support factors into consideration in implementing physical activity programs for the primary school students.身體活動國小學童環境因素社會支持Physical activityElementary schoolchildrenEnvironmental factorsSocial support環境因素和社會支持與都市地區國小學童身體活動之相關研究