鄭榮輝林陳涌2019-08-122019-08-122001-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81579本研究採取調查研究法,以立意取樣選取台北地區師範院校職前教師共404人為樣本,利用自編之「生物倫理教育問卷」為資料蒐集工具,探討職前教師對特定生物倫理議題之看法。研究結果顯示生物科技具有高度的社會關連性,職前教師多對生物科技抱持部分(有條件)贊成之看法,但受是否親身涉入情境而影響。此外,於研究結果中亦顯示生物主修職前教師對生物科技的認知程度較高,對所造成之社會/倫理衝擊較能表達明確看法。藉由本研究的結果,除可做生物倫理教育課程建構之根據外,亦對有興趣之社會大眾有參考的作用。This study collected data of 404 pre-service teachers from the metropolitan Taipei area. An instrument "Bioethics Education Questionnaire" was developed for this study to investigate the pre-service teacher's perceptions about given bioethical issues. The results indicated that biotechnology issues were highly social relevant, and most of the pre-service teachers partially supported the biotechnology. However, personal involvement has a significant impact on their attitudes toward biotechnology. In addition, pre-service teachers of biology major had more knowledge of biotechnology and had clearer perception about the social/ethical impacts of biotechnology. The results of this study can not only serve as the basic structure for the future bioethics education curriculum, but also can offer useful information for people interested in this subject.生物倫理生物倫理議題生物倫理教育BioethicsBioethical issuesBioethics education問卷調查臺北地區職前教師對生殖科技倫理議題的看法Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions about Bioethical Issues