吳崇旗Wu, Chung-Chi關勝隆Kuan, Sheng-Lung2023-12-082022-09-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/cd31534b2f823318e7cb7dbb32d24397/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119277本研究探討無痕山林準則融入童軍課對國中生環境態度影響之研究,並於課程前與課程後分別執行環境態度量表的前測與後測。研究方式為量化的「問卷調查法」與質性「訪談法」以檢視實施的成果。量化問卷調查部分,採用SPSS18.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行資料整理與分析,並透過相依樣本t的統計方式以檢定是否有達到統計結果之顯著標準。質性訪談部分,針對問卷測研過程具有顯著差異的對象進行立意取樣。根據研究結果顯示國中生環境態度有明顯提升。其中量表中的「環境倫理」、「環境謬誤」、「環境情感」、「主動行為」、「不當行為」五個構面均達顯著之結果。本研究對國中生的影響為環境倫理的提升而引發對環境合宜的關切與互動、環境情感的提升以激發學習者對環境的同理、環境謬誤的改善、主動行為的實踐、不當行為的覺察與正確辨識。透過訪談結果獲得產生改變之原因。The purpose of this study is to explore the influences for integrating leave no trace principles into the scouting education courses on the environmental attitudes of junior high school students. Before and after the course environmental attitudes are measured separately for middle school students. The study used are questionnaires and interviews to assess the effect of the courses. Data analysis was conducted by SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The statistical methods included: paire sample t-test. Qualitatice analysis is conducted by interview for the significantly changed students.According to research results, the environmental attitudes have improved significantly. Among them, five aspects have reached statistical standards. Includes Environmental Ethics, Environmental Emotions, Environmental Fallacies, Active Actions, Misconduct.The results of the study found that the curriculum can increase the environmental concern of middle school students and reduce the occurrence of wrong behavior.In addition, middle school students are more willing to show kindness to the environment and prove it with actions. Finally, according to the interviews, the reasons that affect the changes of middle school students are obtained.無痕山林環境態度Leave No TraceEnvironmental Attitudes無痕山林準則融入童軍課對國中生環境態度影響之研究The Study of Influences for Integrating Leave No Trace Principles into the Scouting Education Courses on the Environmental Attitudes of Junior High School Studentsetd