李振明林威丞Lin,Wei-Cheng2020-12-102013-8-202020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698600101%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115489本研究從探討《蜴龍˙擬像》此系列作為出發點,從時代背景、社會現象、畫面符碼、創作方法、畫面分析幾個面向切入,分析作品背後的生成原因以及所受到各種藝術流派的影響,進而連結到作品本身。《蜴龍‧擬像》此系列作,反映現代生活中人們大量依賴科技產品的現象,並在虛擬與真實之間的模糊界線作探討。 當代科技、網路資訊的蓬勃發展,造成各種訊息、影像的無限擴張,同時網路空間的便利使得人們只需待在家裡,就可以滿足生活所需。每天接收E-mail、上Facebook等等變成主要對外的聯絡管道,人際間的情感交流也藉此獲得擴張與滿足,人們的生活型態與從前大不相同,藉由虛擬空間的產生,國界與種族在這裡被消弭,人們在這裡得到更大的自由度與滿足自我的可能。在虛擬空間裡的事件充滿無限可能,各種元素在此被混搭、嫁接而失去原本的意義,「擬像」的性質也因此充斥於生活中。 龍,從遠古部落圖騰崇拜經歷帝王時期,直到現代社會為止,一直被視為中國人的文化代表,弔詭的情形是,在自然生物界中幾乎找不到龍的蹤跡,故龍被視為是一個多元融合的文化複合體,虛擬的生物歷經長久的時間及人們的豐富想像而在人們心靈成為真實,歷代有許多關於龍的記載,說明龍在中國人心中是如何根深蒂固。觀察歷史脈絡中所記錄關於龍的資料,並演繹出「蜴龍」的概念運用於創作中。 最後回歸作品,敘述筆者如何將龍結合現代科技產品進行虛擬想像,搭配混搭許多當代的表現技法融入水墨中進行創作,並對作品進行個別的分析。This essay attempts to discuss the point of view of the series of 《Lizard-Dragon Simulation》. Under the aspects of historical background, social phenomenon, symbols, methods of creation, analysis of picture plane, reasons analysis from the author, and the impact on the series of varied art schools , we can discovered that they are all connected to the art work itself. The series of 《Lizard-Dragon Simulation》reflect the phenomenon of nowadays that people rely heavily on technological products, and further explore the ambiguous borderline between virtual and reality. With the flourish of science and technological development, as well as the widespread of the Internet, the prevailing images and information is rapid. As a result, people are able to stay at home and get all the information they want. Emails and FaceBook have become major social communication tools. In other words, people interact with each other by the above methods. Because of the common use of the Internet, people’s lifestyle differs from the past. There will be no restrictions because of races and places. In the virtual world, people have more freedom and chances to gain self-satisfaction. There are many possibilities, like elements are being mixed and matched, graft, and lose its original meanings. Therefore, simulation fulfilled people’s lives. Dragon (long), has undergone from the ancient Chinese tribal totem to imperial period until now, has been regarded as the cultural representative of the Chinese people. However, it is strange that we couldn’t find any evidence to proof the existence of dragon in nature. Therefore, the concept of dragon is considered to be a hybrid cultural mix. Virtual creature such as dragon has long live in people’s rich imagination and become real in people’s mind. There are plenty records on chronicles showing how dragon is deep-rooted in Chinese people’s heart. Guided by the historical information about dragon, the concept of “Lizard-Dragon” interprets in artistic creation. Back to the creation itself, author depicts the way on how to process virtual imaginary thinking by combining dragon and newly technological products. By mix and match, and also some contemporary techniques, such as ink painting, it shows artistic performance. Additionally, the author analyzes the paintings individually.蜴龍擬像混搭嫁接虛擬Lizard-dragonSimulationMix and MatchGraftVirtual蜴龍神話: 林威丞彩墨創作中之虛擬與想像Lizard-Dragon Myth: the Virtual and the Imagination of the Creative Color Ink Paintings of Lin, Wei-Cheng