吳曉虹Hsiao-hung Iris Wu盧立祥Li-hsiang Lu2019-09-032014-7-212019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060021041L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97585在漢語及臺灣閩南語的比較句之中,比較詞素可為隱性或顯性成分。隱性比較詞素及顯性比較詞素如漢語的「更」及臺灣閩南語的「較」在比較句中皆為必要的成分,因為比較詞素主要功能是在比較句中提供比較的語意概念,故不能省略。顯性與隱性比較詞素具有功能上之差異;具體來說,隱性比較詞素只在比較句中表達單純的比較語意,而顯性比較詞素情況較為複雜。某些顯性比較詞素如臺灣閩南語「較」,只有提供比較語意之功能,其他顯性比較詞素則包含其他功能,例如,漢語的「更」不僅能表達比較語意,還能傳遞隱含的前提意味。舉例來說,在「張三比李四更高」之中,「更」帶有一個前提為「張三和李四都是高的人」(C.-S. Liu 2010b)。 而漢語「還」同樣也不只具有比較語意,「還」在文獻上也分析為反預期標記 (Wu 2004, Wu 2009, Tsai 2013),且帶有主觀性 (Wu 2009, Tang 2009)。根據以上敘述,我們認為當漢語使用者不只想表達比較語意,也想表達其他額外的語意時,他們傾向採用顯性比較詞素;否則,他們將選擇使用隱性比較詞素來表達比較語意。因此,漢語比較詞素在中文通常為隱性成分,而臺灣閩南語比較詞素通常為顯性成分。The comparative morphemes in both Mandarin Chinese (MC henceforth) and Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM thereafter) can be either covert or overt. Crucially, in both MC and TSM, either covert comparative morphemes or overt comparative morphemes such as geng ‘even-more’ in MC and khah ‘more’ in TSM are required in the comparative constructions to express the comparative semantics. Overt comparative morphemes differ from covert comparative morphemes in terms of function. On the one hand, the covert comparative morpheme only expresses the comparative meaning in the comparative constructions. On the other hand, while some overt comparative morphemes such as khah ‘more’ in TSM only convey the comparative meaning, others such as geng ‘even-more’ in MC not only provide the comparative meaning but also carry some presupposition. For instance, in ‘Zhangsan bi Lisi geng gao.’ (Zhangsan is even taller than Lisi), geng ‘even-more’ presupposes that both Zhangsan and Lisi are tall (C.-S. Liu 2010b). Moreover, hai ‘even-more’ in MC not only provides the comparative semantics but also functions as a counter-expectation marker (Wu 2004, Wu 2009, and Tsai 2013) and bears some sense of subjectivity (Wu 2009 and Tang 2009). Given these, it is found that the overt form of the comparative morpheme in MC is usually preferred when the speaker wishes to indicate the additional meanings besides the comparative construal. Otherwise, speakers tend to use the covert comparative morpheme in MC to merely express the comparative meaning. Therefore, while the comparative morpheme in MC is often in a covert form, the TSM counterpart is usually in an overt form.臺灣閩南語比較詞素比較基準差值度量詞組強化修飾語Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM)comparative morphemecomparison standarddifferential measure phraseintensifier漢語與臺灣閩南語比較詞素之對比分析A comparative study of Mandarin and Taiwanese comparative morphemes